[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#DDA0DD]Antoinette McCarthy[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/c143f9c315f8abdd17cc7ac0bdd26e71/19d94ab8e808d932-9b/s540x810/811e9f72262951314cf1a46eb14471af44c53ef5.jpg[/img] [color=#DDA0DD][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Mall — Food Court [color=#DDA0DD][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [/center][hr][hr] Antoinette wasn’t expecting much, or perhaps she had. She had been hoping for an easy trip out, getting reacquainted with Carolina and some of the new people from the mansion. Then the food court ceiling collapsed. Antoinette jumped and stepped back, arms going out to protect her friends. Four people appeared out of the orbs and instantly went on the offensive. Antoinette gasped as the three people around her were quickly thrown into action as she was taken out of it. Alone. In an empty room, Antoinette turned a complete 360 as she tried to get her barriers. She was just in the mall a second ago. Wasn’t she? So where was she now? Out of her periphery, the walls started to shift and push in on her. Antoinette’s breathing hitched as she turned around and around again, looking for a way out. She shut her eyes and tried to breathe, bringing to mind some of the exercises Guin and her were trying to center herself, but nothing was working. Antoinette opened her eyes again, and the walls were closer. She hunched over, hugging her middle as she started to cry and scream. [color=#DDA0DD]”Stop it!!! Just stop it! Wake up, WAKE UP!”[/color] she cried.