[hr][hr] [color=#ff8c69]MZ-33, Protocol Droid[/color] [color=6ecff6][i]29 pts (Light-Side)[/i][/color] [hr][hr] Emzie looked around the room. They were tempted to fire a shot and see if it would bring out potential enemies. This was called 'scarring out the rats'. They did not though. Instead, they turned to face Raynor. [color=6ecff6]"You are correct. This place should be guarded. There is a chance all the guards left and were caught by the original mission. We should continue. Can you place the charges? Or give me instructions on how to do it myself."[/color] The question seemed to be checking on Raynor's health, without asking directly. It was clear Emzie was distressed about Raynor's health but was too focused on the mission.