[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/E1M34pM.png[/img] [h3][b]Cam[/b][/h3][/center] "Sure, we wouldn't want our metallic colleague getting lost, now would we?" Cam said, idly patting the wooden box strapped to her right hip. The strange magic of the relic waited and reassured her. Reality could be changed. Reality could be changed and so could she. The metal suitcase Mel had given them weighed heavily in her left hand. Relics required CATs. Unless you wanted trouble. Unless you wanted reality bending trouble. And she wasn't going to leave it to Honest to carry it. Burning a small amount of vitas, her eyes shifted to those of a cat, deep amber, pupils turned to narrow slits. She was still relaxed, untroubled, but wary, she could feel the hairs rising on the back of her neck. The supernatural was not far. Predictably, given that a relic was in the mix. Mel had said so. And Cam trusted her. More than she trusted Honest, at least. Her ears shifted next. New frequencies of sound washing over her. New smells followed as she made subtle changes to her olfactory system. Surprises would not do. Not now. Not when the prize was worth 2000 kr. That was a lot of food. And a lot of wine. She'd never liked Littown. She'd never liked carpeting. Gross. Gross all around. Filthy. Dirty. And perfumed with rot. In and out. Get the book and get the money. She wanted it to be easy. She wanted it to be [b]that[/b] easy. Just for once, Cam, wanted the credits to come with no strings attached. Sighing quietly to herself, Cam waved a lazy goodbye to blade wielding girl and Emma, vanishing down the middle passage after Niid.