Steffy's relation chart [b]Fanilly:[/b] Out of everyone, Fanilly is actually the person Steffen roots for the most. Yes indeed a lot of people think she is unfit for her position as Knight Captain, for good reasons, it's hard to really feel any emotions other than that of encouragement and compassion, especially when he understood perfectly how it is to have to conform to how people see you. If anything, the irritation, to put it nicely, he'd have would belong to the Iron Roses nobility, whoever that may be, who dictated this full moon tradition. But he knew being vocal about it would just make things difficult for him, as he's an outlander knight. Not every knight is equal. Nevertheless, Steffen secretly nurtures a hope that she would succeed in whatever she wants to do, and would try to at the very least make her life not anymore complicated than it already is. [b]Tyaethe:[/b] And why is that tradition still around? Well, Steffen couldn't blame Tyaethe for everything, but it's not hard to see that she's a very stubborn traditionalist, acting as the veto to every changes. And the complicated thing is that it's for an understandable reason. She has been around since the beginning, have definitely seen a lot of goodbyes. It's not hard to envision the feeling she has. Steffen doesn't know exactly how to feel about the vampire honestly, aside from maybe curiosity. Her existence and lengthy experience is worth learning about regardless. [b]Cecilia:[/b] It's hard to have any peace and quiet around her. Steffen would be nice to her more often than not, but she is getting on his nerves a bit with her laziness and poor discipline, always trying to find reasons to give her paperwork to others (mostly him), and driving him on the ropes with his own. He is also curious at that bow as well, what's the story behind that? [b]Serenity:[/b] A model knight, what else could he say. It's quite hard to criticize the young lady's shrewdness when it comes to knightly affairs. Her impeccable technique and style with or without her weapon is something Steffen could learn from, and he's more than ok doing training with her if she wants it. He could trust that Serenity would not be using him for personal gains. However, he could tell very obviously that there's some degree of animosity between her and Fanilly, which from first glance looked concerning, speaking from first-hand experience. [b]Renar:[/b] Steffen doesn't really care for the man's social ambitions. Both of them are sticking to their own path, and he didn't seem to bother Steffen on that, so he didn't want to dip his horns in where he didn't need to. He could see where the so-called 'Bastard of Brias' came from, and he'd welcome his dirty tricks in a battle any day. It's not like Steffen adheres strictly to the knightly honor anyway. But he sometimes feels it's...unnecessary? Steffen is willing to swipe aside his notion of honor if it meant dealing with a serious threat, but it's a regrettable result that he found no joy in. For Renar, it feels like he revels in being this ruthless efficiency type instead, if which true would be a little off-putting. [b]Gerard:[/b] Whereas Serenity is the model knight, Gerard is the model protagonist for a lot of stories and legends he had heard, a lot of them coming from his homeland Barukstaed. A man from peasant upbringings, with his convictions and skills, rising through to become a knight in shining armor, vowing to serve the people he loved. That's literature materials right there, except for the heroes in these stories tend to love deities more than people. But regardless, Steffen liked Gerard just for that. It's easier to hear stories than become one. [b]Fionn:[/b] A nice guy, and nicer to be around too, if it wasn't for him being a bit too generous to others, including Steffen, when they hang out. But that is the Ingvarr's problem, not Fionn's. The knight's origin as a mercenary from Velt does allow for more compatibility and more stories to share with one another, compared to more native Thaln knights who likely still saw Barukstaed as that frozen barren wasteland in the legends. [b]Fleuri:[/b] Another devoted knight also, this one coming from a noble family instead. But the one thing that distinguishes Fleuri from the others like him would be the blight in his history, and how he came back from it more devoted than ever. It's a little ironic that the title of 'Flower of the North' is tied to such a dark time in his life, when it's actually quite apt for Fleuri now. A flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all. The Flower of the North learned from his mistakes and overcame it. It's quite admirable. [b]Lein:[/b] More paperwork, but he repays Steffen much better than Cecilia ever would. Surprisingly enough, the Ingvarr enjoys the company with him, despite being the target of the teasing he's often subjected to. In fact, being teased like that did make conversations with Lein more personal than with other knights. He felt like there's more to it than this image of a very unbecoming troublemaker Hundi with a prosthetic arm. It doesn't help that the stories about him are quite inconsistent, but it's not like Steffen could really judge him on that. After all, he too had some old scars to hide. [b]Vier:[/b] A warrior that utilizes magic to bolster his swordsmanship power, a homeschooled style even, despite being taboo learning magic outside of the official mage academy. It's actually more interesting to see what other individuals tend to come up with outside of the boundaries of religious rule. Other than that, he's a nice guy, probably needs a bit more combat training. [b]Sergio:[/b] If anything, Sergio reminds Steffen of himself, but without much of the baggage that came with it. The Ingvarr would have spent more time chatting and training with him if not for scheduling conflict and the fact that the Knight of the Harvest Moon wasn't very much around during mealtime. [b]Nico:[/b] It's interesting how there's a lot of sellswords and mercenaries who's quite an exemplary knight and a decent person. Steffen certainly did enjoy any conversations they had, and nothing much else to say against him, aside from maybe one thing. [b]Steffen:[/b] He would like to believe that his past is behind him, one that if he did not say anything about, no one would know. But sometimes, in moments of solitude, he'd be reminded of his mistakes. In a way, wishing for a peaceful life is a selfish desire, and in his attempts to achieve that, he closed his heart to other's suffering. And its consequences had been heart-breaking. He wanted to make up for it; if only he had been more caring to his brother, or more involved with his new tribe. But redemption and forgiveness is too little too late at this point. He could only be better for the sake of this new home, new family.