[i]Within an underground facility in the remote reaches of Averton is the scene of a massacre. The massacre seems to have taken place a year ago, but the conditions of the underground facility have turned what was once a place of research into a crypt that is good for preserving bodies. Among the bodies, rubble, blood, and gore is the common occurrence of the phrase "Project Titan" as it is written on the doorplates of several destroyed rooms and among some of the scattered pieces of paper that managed to somewhat escape the massacre intact. The destruction that went rampant in this place seems to have been some sort of beast, or perhaps two beasts. One of them had claws that rip and tore and the other had hulking fists that smashed and crushed. Many things are scattered about as well as if a tornado ripped through this underground facility: A tornado that sought nothing more than death and destruction. In one more secretive, hidden room is a bloodstained journal that is clutched against the bosom of a corpse. Any explorer who happens to pry this journal from this cold, dead hand will discover that it has been penned by a highly methodical, scientific hand. There is also a portrait tucked in its pages as well. The hand whom the journal was pried from is wearing the garb of a man of science. The journal's first page reads thus--[/i] [hider=Record of Subject KA2U3, by Doctor Galleus Morgans] [b][i]My name is Doctor Galleus Morgans. I have committed many sins in my life, so I ask the soul that finds this journal to not pity me or my blasphemous colleagues. Instead, I write this record to serve as a warning. To beware if one ever meets an elf with eyes of deep green. If one meets this person, steer away from them. If you are forced to interact with her, tread with caution. If you find the contents of my research and choose to carry on the legacy of Project Titan, then this beast will be your nemesis. I do not ask that you avenge me, but instead that you keep far away from this elf so that my legacy will not be crushed into nothingness. [/i][/b] [hider=The Storm Arrives] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/fca98793-3197-49f0-a871-3e20c17ca3f3/da2mqzy-ecccd327-040e-4916-b98b-7b1aa7e4424e.jpg/v1/fill/w_1600,h_2000,q_75,strp/fighter_by_zhao_p_da2mqzy-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MjAwMCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2ZjYTk4NzkzLTMxOTctNDlmMC1hODcxLTNlMjBjMTdjYTNmM1wvZGEybXF6eS1lY2NjZDMyNy0wNDBlLTQ5MTYtYjk4Yi03YjFhYTdlNDQyNGUuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTE2MDAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.tryCBiXJyhT0hWwctWdov6yI4MUHd3ysWg1jBnXx4Po[/img][/hider] Subject Designation: KA2U3 Age: Unknown Gender: Female Race: Elf [hider=Addendum of 'The Storm Arrives' (Appearance)] Subject KA2U3 Kazue cuts a very slim, lithe figure and is rather short, standing only around 5' tall. The portrait attached to this journal was penned by my colleague. I have named it 'The Storm Arrives', as it was the moment she and one of our weapons bonded. This portrait does not account for the pointed ears granted by her elven lineage. That was supposed to be the final touch, but the portrait was never finished, so I will write their details here as I am no artist. Her ears point out sideways from her head and have a tendency to move up or down depending on her emotions or if she happens to hear something. Her head of messy hair hides them at times, but on occasion, the tips may stick out from her dense hair. [/hider] [hider=Pyschological Analysis of Subject KA2U3] Subject KA2U3 is quiet. This goes beyond merely not speaking. She refuses to make any noise. Other subjects I've seen will scream, cry, beg, and plead to the Gods for their freedom. Not this one. She stays quiet. I thought she was a mere mute, incapable of speech. I've seen subjects like that too. Ones that merely submit to the flow of destiny and take whatever the world throws at them without a fight. That is further from the truth. Subject KA2U3 is like a beast, one that keeps its claws hidden. When those claws come forth, this silent breeze becomes a hurricane of bloodlust and ferocity. She becomes the kind of storm that will not stop until either she gets what she wants or dissipates into nothingness. She does not take indignation laying down but instead will lie in wait for the right moment. To me, she is a brewing storm in a humanoid form: calm and harmless. Attempting to brave this storm when it awakens, however; will only ascertain one's destruction. All storms have an eye though, a place where one can remain safe even while it rages. If one can take refuge in the eye of this storm, then no doubt they'd be safe from all harm as the storm would use all its power to tear to shreds anyone who tries to get to its eye. [/hider] [hider=Background Information on Subject KA2U3] I don't know where Subject KA2U3 came from. She's like many of the other subjects brought in: children that have been rejected by the world. According to the person who brought her to my lab, she was found wandering through a forest with quiet eyes and mangled arms. The mangling of her arms by some unknown beast was not recent, no doubt wrought about by an accident and lack of medical care. It was unclear how long she had been in that forest, but estimates of a hovel that was found indicate at least a few years, meaning she was most likely abandoned there by some callous individual and left to fend for herself. At first, I thought her either a mute or a walking corpse. Even when we had to amputate her mangled arms, she didn't let out a single sound. Other subjects have let pleaded for death even in their experiments, yet she failed to make a peep even as her arms were amputated. The experiments we were running were on the fusing of weaponry with humanoid subjects. We hoped that, by integrating this technology with human hosts, we could create a new type of powerful soldier. Sadly this was not easy. It required many tests and finding the subjects was never easy. Furthermore, every day we had to live with the fact that one day our plans may be discovered and unraveled by some external party. Despite this, we carried on. Subject KA2UE quickly became our best subject. Despite the numerous failed attempts at weapon fusion, she persisted. She lasted longer than the other subjects and provided our team with a lot of much-needed data that helped us make great strides with the other subjects. She endured what must have been pure agony in complete silence. Everyone on our team thought she was the perfect subject, myself included. We even thought she was a willing subject. What an absolutely foolish notion we had. If I had known the truth, I would have immediately disposed of this subject, no matter the cost. In the end, there is no medicine in the world that could ever relieve my life's greatest, and final, regret. Model: Storm Titan. This weapon was our greatest work yet. All of the results of a few years of research were poured into this two-mode weapon. A weapon that could allow a soldier to switch between swift life-reaping elemental claws and gauntlets that have the destructive force of a tornado. With the weapon physically bonded to its host, the switching could take place via thought, making for even more effective, deadly soldiers. The perfect test subject for the first bonding was naturally Subject KA2U3. She already had no arms, so the weapon would be a perfect fit for her. In fact, in our arrogance and ignorance, we based this weapon on her specs. We made this weapon for her. The bonding was perfect. The subject no doubt felt agony but kept it in. Her body showed signs of struggle to hold it in, which she did. The weapon was perfectly fused with her body, a result well beyond our expectations. That, however; wasn't all that was beyond our expectations. The weapon had an artificial anemo power source that we decided not to cut off immediately. Instead, we were obsessively, arrogantly, and foolishly recording down all the data we could. We had gone mad with fear as the results of our research finally bore fruit. One of my colleagues was even painting a portrait of the event. It is in this moment of our greatest hubris that [i]it[/i] appeared. An Eye of the Gods. A vision. It appeared as if the Gods above had been watching our every move. Everyone else was still arrogant, celebrating even, as Subject KA2U3 took the vision in her hand. The moment she did, our connection to the weapon was cut off. I was the only one who ran. Ran as no doubt those dead eyes came to life with unbridled fury. Ran as those claws harvested the screams of my colleagues. Ran as those fists mashed our machines into scrap. The sounds of blood, death, and destruction though paled in comparison to one thing. The sound of howling. Both of the wind, and the girl. It was as if all of that agony hadn't been withstood this entire time, but bottled up. It howled with the wind, creating a tempest of carnage. I was the only one to escape, but not with my life wholly intact. I took a claw to the stomach before I could even get that far. I was just a mere mortal after all, how could I escape the wrath of nature? I decided to play dead, pretending to fall after taking this mortal wound. The beast let me live. Not because she is foolish, but for one reason only. Despite the pain, I forced myself to watch. Watch as she destroyed everything and watched as she left, caked in blood, heading to who knows where. The final sounds I heard from her were words. [color=00a651][b][i]"From books... I'm free."[/i][/b][/color] These words will become the last words I will ever hear from a living being. Those words are why she let me live. She wanted me to hear them. And even as I lay here, dying... those words continue to fill me with nothing but endless regret. These words of mine will record everything about this subject, but after my pen falls there will be no more records. My books will never hold any new research ever again, all thanks to my own hubris. [/hider] [hider=Independents] Elemental Bloodline - When using any technique that involves the user’s element, they have the option to execute it as if their Elemental Mastery affinity was one point higher. Elves are often close to the elements, meaning that they make for excellent test subjects when it comes to elemental weapons research. --[color=00a651][i][b]"E...lf?"[/b][/i][/color] ----KA2U3's thoughts, unimprisoned in this record. Calm before Storm - Subject KA2U3 has a particularly calm disposition from a glance, and most will assume she is rather reserved. This works in her favor. When making the first move she has an improved chance of hitting and deals more damage. She had me and my entire lab fooled. What we all thought was a willing subject was just a brewing storm, waiting to burst forth and decimate us all right when we least expected it. --[color=00a651][i][b]"Not yet, wait..."[/b][/i][/color] ----KA2U3's thoughts, unimprisoned in this record. One of Few Words - Subject KA2U3 is a person of few words. This isn't just because she is quiet, but also due to her low command of language. Out there in the world, she will no doubt suffer a little when trying to converse with and persuade other characters. This is the only comfort I could find from those final words of hers, that her lack of linguistic abilities will give her something of a hard time. I know its a silly thing to find solace in, but its one of the few things that I can do to prevent myself from being lost to despair. --[color=00a651][i][b]"Silence... brings prey"[/b][/i][/color] ----KA2U3's thoughts, unimprisoned in this record. [/hider] [hider=Subject KA2U3 Combat Data] Element: [color=00a651]Anemo[/color] Vision: Slotted in the core of Storm Titan, which is embedded in the subject's flesh right above her heart. [hider=Main Weapon: Storm Titan] Description: A two-mode weapon. Storm Titan is physically bonded to its host. The user can switch between modes at will and the weapon is physically attached to its host. Only upon pain of death or with extensive mutilation can the weapon be separated from its host. Upon separation, the subject will most likely perish, unless their will and life are strong enough. Mode: Storm Description: One-half of Storm Titan's power. The armor has physically bonded and attached to what remains of Subject KA2U3's arms. These mechanical arms, so long as the subject possesses Elemental Energy, can materialize hands entirely made of anemo that possess rather sharp claws meant for reaping lives. --[i][b]Reaper[/b]:[/i] The claws of the reaper are capable of harvesting life. As these claws inflict damage on others, they will absorb the target's energy to replenish and heal the user. --[color=00a651][i][b]"Your freedom... is mine"[/b][/i][/color] ----KA2U3's thoughts, unimprisoned in this record. Mode: Titan Description: These fists are the true destructive force of Storm Titan. They are materialized from the arms of Storm Titan, attached to them by a rather sturdy connector. Despite their imposing size, the power of anemo assures that they do not physically burden the host while still promoting immense destructive force. While Titan is active, the claws of Storm cannot be used. While these fists, despite their properties, are not as fast and precise as her claws they hold far more striking power and are great for defense. --[i][b]Tornado[/b]:[/i] These massive fists weigh nothing to the user, allowing them to maneuver with the user's complete speed as if they are floating extensions of the subject's destructive wrath. --[color=00a651][i][b]"No more shackles..."[/b][/i][/color] ----KA2U3's thoughts, unimprisoned in this record. [/hider] [hider=Sub Weapon: Legs of the Unarmed] Description: KA2U3 knows how to kick. Having had no arms for most of her time in our facility, she learned how to use her legs with incredible skill. While tearing our base apart, she primarily used the might of Storm Titan, but she wasn't afraid to kick at foes who got too close. If she were to find proper leg gear, her entire body would become a powerful weapon. Even without proper leg gear, her legs are still rather deadly. [/hider] [hider=Analysis of KA2U3's Fighting Style] [center][b][i][color=00a651]Tornado of the Wilderness[/color][/i][/b][/center] Like a true tornado, Subject KA2U3 is relentless and ruthless. She strikes with great ferocity and every attack is only meant to destroy and kill. She fights with no regard to her personal safety, willing to take whatever damage she needs to in order to better destroy her opponent in return. Reaper of the Wind: Due to how intensely fused Storm Titan is with Subject KA2U3's body, the subject can switch between both modes at will. This allows for the subject to switch rapidly and instantly between her claws and fists to employ various vicious strikes with either claw or fist as the situation calls for it. She can use her claws for a swift, vicious offense but quickly switch to the Titan's fists if she needs to employ stalwart defense or absolute crushing force. Retributive Ferocity: To those who harm her, she displays even greater wrath. When enemies harm her, she strikes them back harder and becomes wilder and more ferocious overall. After all, those who brave the storms will risk greater destruction. The more someone harms her, the stronger and more ferocious she will become against them. She also turns into a more and more wild, unpredictable, and uncontrollable beast the longer she fights. --[color=00a651][i][b]"YOU...? DIE!"[/b][/i][/color] ----KA2U3's thoughts, unimprisoned in this record. [/hider] [hider=Affinity Ratings of Subject KA2U3] Strength ([i]Determination of subject's raw, physical might)[/i]: - 1 Skill ([i]Determination of subject's speed and precision)[/i]: - 1 Endurance ([i]Determination of subject's durability and willpower)[/i]: - 3 Elemental Mastery ([i]Determination of subject's mastery of the elements)[/i]: - 1 (+1) Elemental Stamina ([i]Determination of subject's elemental energy quantity)[/i]: - 2 [/hider] [hider=KA2U3's Elemental Style] [center][color=00a651][i][b]Stormblooded Titan[/b][/i][/color] KA2U3 manifests the wind primarily through her body. She does so to enhance her movements and attacks to make them faster and stronger while imbuing them with destructive, storm-like winds. She primarily manifests the wind through Storm Titan to enhance its attacks, but she is also able to channel it directly through or around her body as well to give her increased agility and enhanced physical prowess. --[color=00a651][i][b]"Freedom, my body... free"[/b][/i][/color] ----KA2U3's thoughts, unimprisoned in this record. [/center] Techniques: [b]Hermes[/b]: Subject KA2U3 can imbue her legs with the power of the wind. This not only increases her speed but also imbues destructive anemo force into her kicks and even gives her legs protection. She can even slightly levitate short distances or dash through the air with this technique. This technique gives her a degree of aerial maneuverability as well, although using it like this makes her a little less accurate but more wild and unpredictable, which is how she fights. --[color=00a651][i][b]"My legs... wings"[/b][/i][/color] ----KA2U3's thoughts, unimprisoned in this record. [b]The Brewing Storm[/b]: The more pain and indignation this subject suffers, the greater her inner power will become. It will slowly build more and more until eventually, it bursts forth like an endless storm. It is this storm that none of us were able to see. It seems the more she suffers and endures before she lets loose, the greater the elemental might she can explode forth with. --[color=00a651][i][b]"Wait... for the right moment..."[/b][/i][/color] ----KA2U3's thoughts, unimprisoned in this record. [b]Tornadus[/b]: Imbuing herself with more and more wind energy, Subject KA2U3 can unleash a large barrage of destructive attacks. Each attack is faster and more ferocious than the last and imbued with immensely destructive anemo that emits from her with each punch, kick, or claw attack, effectively giving her attacks greater reach and even some area of effect damage. This means that even if enemies are not directly hit they will still receive damage. This can be good in situations where her opponent is able to dodge her attacks or when needing to inflict destruction on multiple opponents at once. --[color=00a651][i][b]"MY FREEDOM... STORMS!"[/b][/i][/color] ----KA2U3's thoughts, unimprisoned in this record. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]