[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/fiENFjt.png[/IMG][/center] So, that was it, then? They won? Two...or three...or [i]four?[/i] -- where the hell had the actual [i]giant[/i] come from? -- huge ass statues, a little supernatural bowling, and poof? All better? Well. Daisy knew better than to complain...though she was still pretty pissed they hadn't gotten to reek havoc on [i]both[/i] of the freaky Egyptian pair. The first had taken a Grand Slam-esque swing at Artie -- and if the elf thought Daisy was just going to let go whatever she'd done afterward, she was sadly mistaken -- and the second had left him with a sizzling gash of back and red spread across his shoulder blades. For as much as the hellhound pissed her off, she wasn't so deluded as to think she had a great number of friends outside his bulky as. She liked Henry, and she [i]really[/i] like Veti. But she never saw Henry, and Veti had Tiny Vamp, and soon enough she'd have Max back, and Daisy's debt would more or less be paid, and then it would just go back to being her and Artie, and that shit would be boring as hell if Artie was dead. But everyone seemed to be heading in one direction, away from the remaining Anubi and the giant stone beetles waddling alarmingly quickly in its stead, so Daisy followed, settling on throwing a heated glance at the thing that had tried to cut her dog in half. Bitch. On the other side of the portal, things were all whining and good fortune, clinking glasses, bleeding all over the place, blah blah blah. Daisy didn't take much interest in this. She knew she could heal Artie once things slowed down, and as long as Veti wasn't hurt, not much else mattered to her. Except fucking C3PO. It had taken her a long time to sort through his little comment about Transformers and Girl Scout cookies, and afterwards, she wasn't quite sure how to feel. For one thing, she'd been out-snarked, and she had the creeping suspicion that hadn't even been on purpose. For another, she was pretty sure the Aluminum Asshole had just referred to her as a fucking [i]Girl Scout[/i]. And she didn't even have a comeback! She just sort of stared at him, gaping in an uncomfortable combination of disgust, admiration, and shock until she realized she had nothing to say. For, like, once in her life. Death. Whatever. And then she realized she [i]liked[/i] him, which was just fucking terrific, because she only had room for about three people/werewolves/things in her life she didn't completely despise, and she was not at all in the mood to make room for another. Finally, exasperated, she threw her hands up and ran them through a mass of debris-filled pink curls. "This is the lamest vacation I've ever taken," she muttered. "And that includes Demon Fox Island."