[quote=@ERode] The implication was that Yasu was gonna hit up the stairs, ye. Is it an action to get into the projector room or naw? [/quote] Nah. You can just have her doing projector room stuff and file it under "she was doing it while they were opening the door." If she opens the projector room: The lock is one on the knob, so it's not very secure. Kicking it open is enough, but it would take Yasu a few kicks. She can pick it too, but it takes a bit of time. Either way, she can hear some shuffling and goopy noises inside before she can get the door open. Inside the projector room is a set of four corpses. The bodies are pretty recognizable: they're wearing the uniforms of Hylic operations teams. [url=https://i.imgur.com/kkO9Fwo.png]Think something like this but everyone is wearing a mask/helmet[/url]. There isn't a sign that the supernatural killed them, but their necks have been snapped and bones broken. The bodies seem recently deceased judging by their lack of smell. Besides that, the room is filled with boxes and old reels. There's a single green finger that's difficult to spot (lack of light) on one of the boxes. If Yasu sees it, it'll red flag every one of her base human instincts and she'd want to leave the projector room as soon as possible. There is a faint smell in the projector room, but Yasu wouldn't know it. The most she knows is that it smells wrong and seems vaguely poisonous, but her instincts tell her that it won't actually harm her at this level. For everyone: The left and right stairs both lead to the same hallway that surrounding the theatre filled with doors to access the balcony.