[color=7B7D78][center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5WR2hsSUUxdmJuUm9iSGtnVDNWMGNHOXpkQS4w/raspberie.regular.webp[/img][/center] [sub]by Stefano Deltori, Head Editor in the Innovators’ Exchange Zales 15th, DZ54[/sub] [i][center]The Innovators’ Exchange is excited to present this year’s final monthly report on business-related activities from students of Ersand’Enise School of Thaumaturgy and the externalities that may impact the underlined business ventures. As is tradition, the Zales report will present a retrospective of the year, put forward the highlights of the year and their current situation and present our predictions for DZ55.[/center] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAwMDAwMC5SR0Z0YVMxYVpYQjBJRFUwSUZKbGRISnZjM0JsWTNScGRtVS4w/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] It has become somewhat of a trend that the beginning of every cohort comes with great potential. However, it is rare that we see this potential shine so bright with promise in the first year! Even as we hit the end of Zales, grand ventures we are keen on analysing are presenting themselves. Despite this, the start of the school year did not wear such a bright halo. Quite the contrary, expectations of potential trade recessions and wartime economic shifts were all but a guarantee in the author’s opinion, and yet we have no such thing to report on. Although, to cut oneself some slack, a lot of what made this year shine were nigh unpredictable without keen insider knowledge. Following an extremely heated entrance day that led to massive political fiascos and the assassination of Belzagg’s late Emperor, the grim realities were only exacerbated by the Lorentine Queen Crisis in Dami’s Eye, credited to Traveller agents that have been a big source of uncertainty for large business endeavours. The Northern Seas were also a point of tension with piracy reaching all-time high despite Revidia’s attempts at maritime strangleholds near Segonia with conflict on the horizon. And of course, let’s not forget Bloody Victendes, leading to the mightiest pillar of Ersand’Enise, Paradigm Hugo Hunghorasz, and the theft of the traditional Victendes (odd pattern, if you ask me!) auction that had never been recovered. All of which culminated in sky-high tensions with the Workmans’ Quarter and the rest of the city. And yet, here we are today with flourishing businesses and high hopes for the future. With the Trials passing without a hitch (for the most part), it was a relief to many that the summit of world leaders concluded with a cooling of the current Perrench-Revidian conflict, and essentially diffusing powder kegs scattered throughout the Twin Continents. An unexpected surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Most importantly, the Silk Portal’s opening has catapulted Ersand’Enise from major trade hub to the world’s unavoidable canal to international trade. If one wishes to create something [b]serious[/b] on a scale beyond local, the Silk Portal is a [b]must[/b] as we’ve underlined in our Ardanes article. With that, the land had been tilled and made fertile for small, student-made businesses to grow, some of which boomed! We will see how they are doing today and share our hopes for them in the coming years.[/i] [hr] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAwMDAwMC5SR1ZzYVdkb2RITWdiMllnUlhKellXNWtKMFZ1YVhObC4w/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjQwLjAwMDAwMC5UV05pYjJ4c1pYSWdMU0JUWVhWellXZGxjeUJoYm1RZ1FuVnVjejhoLjA/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [indent]You heard right, one of the most successful business ideas of this year simply involves baking a soft bun that can fit a sausage within itself along with a sauce. How is this possible? Well, it isn’t so much the product (although it definitely helped!) as it is the way they’ve approached it. Kaspar Elstrom is credited with the initial idea, but it is with avid Business Investor Ingrid Penderson that the business took flight. The method they’ve employed is a simple one: They took Zenobucks’ model and applied it accordingly to their own product. Now, hot, meat meals are available on the go and at convenient locations! I must say, the sauce they use is also something to behold and I am definitely not the only one that thinks it. Nothing indicates any potential drop, although we have yet to see any push for expansion from the group. Perhaps they are taking it slow and playing it safe?[/indent] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjQwLjAwMDAwMC5XbVZ1YjJKMVkydHpJQzBnUVNCR1lXMXBiR2xoY2lCR1lXTmxMQ0JPYjNjZ1IyOXVaVDguMA/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [indent]You’ve likely seen that green, almost sassy face on a mug somewhere. Indeed, as we’ve covered Zenobucks more than once in our past articles we had been able to get to know both co-founders, Zarina Al-Nader and Marceline Hohenfelter, and get a better understanding of their revolutionary method of providing both a recently scarce delicacy and making it rapidly available to all. To say they haven’t been of consequence would be pure dishonesty. However, as they’ve grown to hold over twelve employees and opened multiple outlets, a glaring issue has been remarked by quite a few: Where is the girl on the mugs? She was, after all, at least around from time to time to survey the kiosks and greet customers with a flying blueberry dragon or a monkeybird, but now we’ve only had the most deafening of silences. And with that silence came a slight slowdown in their expansion. Does this warrant worry? We don’t think so. Not yet, anyway. We reached out to Marceline to better understand the situation with Zarina, however no commentary was made. As of now, we can confirm that she has NOT disappeared and is still attending classes on the regular, but it has become impossible to get a hold of her. Even more so as she’s made a play by purchasing a home by the Godsroad, leading the Innovators’ Exchange to speculate on a potential manoeuvre involving Mudville’s changes and the rapid growth of the city as a whole. But we can only speculate. One thing is for certain, and is applicable to Mcboller too: Competition is VERY easy to generate with this model. It is important to keep one’s A-game at the risk of succumbing to others' ambitious minds. We believe that the key to success in this case is none other than the Supply Chain. [i]He who controls the mightiest and most convenient Logistics rules this market of easy and accessible delights.[/i][/indent] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjQwLjAwMDAwMC5VM1Z1WVc1a0lGSmhibU5vSUMwZ1RXbGhkSFJ2SjNNZ1IzSnZkMmx1WnlCRVlXbHllU0JKYm1SMWMzUnllUS4w/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [indent]Where does Kaempe Ko Milk come from? Eskand, right? How about Sea Goat Milk? Of course, most of it is from Thalakos and the nearby regions! Well, think again. Miatto has been the primary producer of the creamy and minty dairy goodness to the growing and popular enterprises in Ersand’Enise. You have a single clergyman to thank for this: Yalen Castel, Lord of his hometown and despite lacking any sort of business acumen has managed to somehow pierce right through the dairy market. A promising opportunity for Miatto as a whole, but will other producers stand idly and late this neophyte take all the glory?[/indent] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAwMDAwMC5UWFZrZG1sc2JHVWdMU0JHY205dElIUm9aU0JCYzJobGN5d2dWMlVnUm1sdVpDQkhiMnhrLjA/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjQwLjAwMDAwMC5RbXhoWTJzZ1JtbGxiR1FnUVhKelpXNWhiQ0F0SUVaeWIyMGdWVzV5WlcxaGNtdGhZbXhsSUhSdklGUnlaVzVrYldGclpYSS4w/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [indent]Initially, I had written off BFA as yet another weaponsmith destined to be swallowed by the Virangish and Perrench State-sanctioned beasts, and it was most certainly going to be the case the moment it would gain any sort of traction. However, the Silk Portal has changed everything and the head of the group, Desmond Catulus, seized an opportunity when Hohg Muhnkalad became available by taking a few steps into a big circle. With a still unknown accord between the smith and undisclosed Hegelan guilds, wealthier individuals can have Mana-infused gear designed and tailored to them through BFA’s connections and know-how. It is reassuring that a human is providing a grounded perspective for customers still completely blind to the customs of the mountain dwellers. High hopes are placed on BFA should this be the direction the group takes. Zales has brought in an interesting new dynamic, however. With Mudville undergoing considerable changes after the Moli incident, a new challenger steps into the territory and threatens to shake the foundations of the location. Wages are expected to skyrocket and the population to shift with the recent laws regarding land ownership. Will BFA be able to maintain its model in the near future, or concede to the immense amount of money being poured into Mudville?[/indent] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjQwLjAwMDAwMC5VR1ZzYjNaaElFWmhjMk5wYm04Z0xTQlVhR1VnUm1GemFHbHZibUZpYkdVZ1NXNTJZV1JsY2lCdlppQk5kV1IyYVd4c1pRLjA/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [indent]While officially still an enigma to most, we have reported last month on the various promotions put forward by the singular Vossoriyan student, Yuliya, and concluded that this would indeed be a fashion brand. Additionally, it was made public of Isabella Lowell’s direct involvement and investment in the group. A considerable amount of money is flowing into this project with job offers already being made to defeat all other wages available to the average Mudville denizen. This is a phenomenon we haven’t yet seen … Anywhere! But we predict an inevitable shift in the existing population, as the existing one will likely be unable to afford the new prices that’ll come with the wage increases. Additionally, it’ll attract more business seeking to capitalise on these virgin grounds. That is to say if the population accepts or lets all of this happen. My money is on, well, the money. From Revidia to Vossriya and back to Perrence, big investors are keen on making this work. As of now, a raffle is currently underway for Ersand’Enise’s very first Iceberg Party to inaugurate the opening of Pelova Fascino. Make sure to sign up, it is said to be a once in a lifetime experience! And, of course, this humble author [b]must[/b] report on it, integrity of our press and all …[/indent] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAwMDAwMC5VM1IxWkdWdWRITWdWMjl5YkdSM2FXUmwuMA/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjQwLjAwMDAwMC5TVzVuY21sa0lFeHZaMmx6ZEdsamN5Qk1URU1nTFNCVGNISmhkSG9nUm14dmIyUnBibWNnYVc0Z1JYSnpZVzVrSjBWdWFYTmxJUS4w/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [indent]The small businesswoman who could, making a name for herself among the established fleets that bloated themselves on the powdered gold. Ingrid Penderson has managed to defy the odds and not only withstand the wave of piracy that has plagued the last decade but also established her niche through networking. Still, with the advent of portal commerce and accessibility to Callanast made available to some of her peers, it is interesting to see how Ingrid’s Logistics plan will survive the test of time now that we’re seeing a dramatic shift in means of transport and ease of travel through ReTan. Considering Lady Penderson’s inclination to dip herself in many different businesses, she has wisely put her eggs in other baskets. This author hopes that her business acumen remains consistent![/indent] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjQwLjAwMDAwMC5RWEp6YkdGdUxVMWxjbU5oWkc5eUlFVnljMkZ1WkNkRmJtbHpaUzFEWVd4c1lXNWhjM1FnS0VWRlF5a2dWSEpoWkdVZ1EyOXRjR0Z1ZVNBLjA/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjQwLjAwMDAwMC5VbWxrWlhKeklHOW1JSFJvWlNCVGFXeHJJRTl3Y0c5eWRIVnVhWFI1LjA/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [indent]For those aware of Torragonese politics and old names, it’d come as a surprise to see these two names so close together in a business venture. And yet here we are. With Maura Mercador’s acquisition of Longwan, a small island in the middle of the international trading lines, and a sub-maritime vessel, she has capitalised on an opportunity to take international trade by storm with the help of Arslan money and political backing. Indeed, with recent changes in the Torragonese’s monarchy, the Arslan clan fully secured its hold on the economic capital and holds the perfect position to back such an ambitious project. Still, the Silk Portal remains an omnipresent competitor that bypasses the challenges of travel, but one can also consider the magnitude of goods passing through constantly in this trade route the Arslan-Mercador alliance is trying to build. Besides, nothing stipulates they cannot utilise both means and essentially secure both ‘routes’ according to convenience and urgency. As of now, the foundations have been laid down but there haven’t been genuine results as of yet, leaving us to withhold on reaching predictions. Although we still ask ourselves if Longwan can be maintained with such traffic planned to go through it? Considerable investment in security and infrastructure is to be considered and perhaps far earlier than they may realize.[/indent] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjQwLjAwMDAwMC5SMmxzWkdWa0lFaHBZbWx6WTNWeklFVnljMkZ1WkNkRmJtbHpaUzFEWVd4c1lXNWhjM1FnS0VWRlF5a2dWSEpoWkdVZ1EyOXRjR0Z1ZVEuMA/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjQwLjAwMDAwMC5RU0JTWVdObElIUnZJRU5oYkd4aGJtRnpkR2tnUjJ4dmNua19JQS4w/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [indent]The inevitable counterpart to such a massive endeavour. If one side finds such a goldmine, the other will attempt to mirror it rather than innovate. It is, after all, far easier and at the very least ensures this Perrench-owned group keeps up with the Torragonese. Built by de Perpignan alumni (currently in the Tan-Zeno Program), we have yet to see how they intend to match up to the Arslan-Mercador effort. Although some sources speculate there might be some coordination between the groups when it comes to Longwan’s strategic positioning and use.[/indent] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAwMDAwMC5WR2hsSUZOMGNtOXVaeUJKYm1SbGNHVnVaR1Z1ZEhNLjA/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjQwLjAwMDAwMC5RV0prWld3Z1ZtRnlaMkVnTFNCWmIzVnVaeUJRY21sMllYUmxJRWx1ZG1WemRHbG5ZWFJ2Y2lCaGJtUWdRbTkxYm5SNUlFaDFiblJsY2cuMA/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [indent]Looking for someone you’ve lost? Trying to reconnect with an old flame? Want a criminal found? Look no further than Abdel Varga, independent investigator and bounty hunter for petty criminals. He is impossible to miss with his two Skuggvars he drags around when on the prowl (Yes, they do bite). All of his business has been with the Century, however he has informed us when we reached out that he is indeed taking individual jobs as well. Don’t let his age fool you, as he’s one of the scholarship holders of the Tethered Refuge, the same place the entrepreneur Isabelle Lowell hails from. Many golden eggs to be found there to be sure.[/indent] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjQwLjAwMDAwMC5TbTlqWVhOMFlTQlNaU0F0SUZOMFlYUmxJRk5oYm1OMGFXOXVaV1FnVUdWeWMyOXVZV3dnVUc5eWRHRnNjdy4w/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] [indent]Personal portals sanctioned by the school of Ersand’Enise. There is nothing more to say - it’s the most convenient means of travel you’ll ever find. The pricing, however, is considerable. Additionally, it is not a truly independent business, being essentially the school’s operation. But, let’s not forget that she was the one to start it from scratch! Always worth a check if you are in a hurry to go to the other side of the world.[/indent] [hr] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAwMDAwMC5VSEpsWkdsamRHbHZibk1nWm05eUlFUmhiV2t0V21Wd2RDQTFOUS4w/raspberie.regular.webp[/img] Fellow readers, we finally reach the end of the year, and with that the end of this exciting chapter for the Innovators’ Exchange. With the never-before-seen changes we’ve witnessed and the considerable externalities to consider, we will offer a brief listing of our predictions regarding world economics and the student business in Ersand’Enise: [list][*]Mudville will experience a massive shift in demographics, potentially leading to unrest. [*]The Traveller will become a more virulent obstacle for growing businesses, especially those interacting with common folks. [*]Traditional trade will become more limited as portals develop. Piracy will consequently dip in activity. [*]Many competitors will imitate the new methods we are seeing, from means of selling to optimising trade routes. [*]The risk of war will emerge later in the year, limiting aggressive pushes to grow and forcing businesses to recoil in anticipation. [*]A shift in worker treatment and prices following social pushes from Traveller-related groups and resentful citizens ousted due to, what we’ve dubbed, “Gentrification” (such as with Mudville).[/list][/color]