[hider=Necrobitch] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1082479424617848892/1414503_hFe9WleL.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][i][b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFTRnBgBjt0]🎶I am the night. I am freedom. They I am an infamous demon. I've heard it all, a witch, a serpent. Some say I am the Devil's servant."🎶[/url][/b][/i][/h3][/center] [b][color=#BDA143]Name: [/color][/b]Dianna Blackstone Bishop [b][color=#BDA143]Aliases: [/color][/b]The Devilkeeper, Angel-Killer, [i]Zhrshrel-Ka[/i] [b][color=#BDA143]Age: [/color][/b]??? [b][color=#BDA143]Species: [/color][/b]Human... Allegedly [b][color=#BDA143]Gender: [/color][/b]Female | She/Her [b][color=#BDA143]Appearance: [/color][/b]Dianna's appearance can only be described as dignifiedly perfect. She stands at 5'8", always wears monotone colors and dresses with utmost class. Always seen in a white waistcoat and black dress shirt, black slacks and black dress shoes, and sporting a cane crowned with a piece of elephant bone shaped like a human skull, Dianna gives off the aesthetic of someone who has money and isn't afraid to throw it around. Her blonde hair is always styled cleanly. The most unusual thing about her appearances would be Dianna's eyes are pitch black orbs, like the eyes of a living darkness that knows nothing of warmth or life. When Dianna looks at someone, its almost as if there is some great and terrible force hanging over their shoulders, as though the cosmos were preparing a funeral hymn for someone who has yet to truly die. Such a feeling is likely attributed to the fact that she simply gives off an intimidating atmosphere. [b][color=#BDA143]Personality: [/color][/b]Dianna Bishop radiates the feeling of confidence and superiority. If you have something that she wants, she’ll gladly take it at the end of a cane sword over your dead body, and feels very little sympathy towards other people that make fools of themselves. Dianna hates feeling weak, and always treats herself like the most valuable person in the room, materialistically and in general. If Dianna is acting nice to you, it’s likely that she has something to gain from doing so; she prioritizes her own best interests above all else. While she doesn’t go out of her way to be a menace to people, and generally tends to act polite and formal, Dianna doesn’t exactly do people favors unless it’s convenient for her. She commands respect wherever she goes, never letting disrespect go unnoticed, or allowing others to test her boundaries. Dianna can either be a professional acquaintance or a vindictive monster, depending on how one behaves in her presence. [b][color=#BDA143]Magic: [/color][/b] Necromancy, Extraplanar Summoning, Familiar Arcana, and Healing. [b][color=#BDA143]History: [/color][/b]A very long time ago, the world shunned and feared necromancers. It was reviled as an unholy practice that spat in the face of countless cultures, raising the dead without consideration for the deceased. Dianna remembers that time very well, as it was a time of violent hunting of anyone suspected of practing "Dark Arts," where anyone with some magical prowess and the right mindset was encouraged to rise up and root out magic deemed evil. During this time, Dianna grew up as one of the few necromancers, and later in life lived in secret with another woman and child, both of which she loved with all her heart. Their son had the potential to be a great necromancer himself, and so his parents taught him well. They lived in a quiet village set at the edge of a forest, where they would spend days in solitude practicing magic together. It was a simple life with a simple family, in a simple part of the world. Simple was more than Dianna could ask for at the time. But it wouldn't last forever. One day, a large group of armed fighters called the Sentinels stopped at their village and stayed for a week. The Sentinels were the biggest anti-necromancy force at the time, operating independently of borders or the rule of nations. Wherever they suspected "evil" magic was being practiced, they'd go there whether they were allowed or not. They were only stopping to do patrols of an otherwise unwatched part of the world, but on the second day, the soldiers began searching homes at random, without the permission of anyone in town. The people naturally resisted, but the ones who put up a fight were punished for it. When they broke down Dianna's door, they weren't expecting to be met with a high level familiar standing guard. She and her wife told the two Sentinels to turn around and leave, but the presence of wizards only made them search more thoroughly. The soldiers found their son reading a book about different types of ghosts, and they didn't even confiscate it before they reached for their weapons. Dianna's wife incinerated them both on the spot. Others came looking, and despite her insistence that she killed them because they tried to harm her son, the entire force came down on the family. Roughly 40 armored battlemages swarmed their house, and they conjured every spirit, revenant, and familiar they could reach to protect them. It wasn't enough, even when their son joined in. Their home was burned down, along with half of the village. Dianna and her son managed to escape, but her wife was trapped and didn't survive. The two of them ran for days, weeks, and months. The Sentinels would not stop until they had exterminated the monsters who practiced evil magic. In her desperation, Dianna made pacts with entities from beyond the physical world, who gave her gifts no mortal person should have. She bound them to her service through unspeakable means, using her understanding of familiars and manipulation of the dead to add extraplanar beings to her list of bodies to throw at people. Two months passed, and her son turned 18. They thought had finally escaped the Sentinels, but more showed up. The two of them retreated to a city that had regularly denied Sentinels entry. But news of Dianna and her son had reached the high ranks of the Sentinels, and they sent enough soldiers to the city of Mullhend to stage a war. 1000 soldiers swept the streets looking for the two of them, and they were found soon after. Every single Sentinel descended upon the street, and Dianna's son was the first to go. They ran him through with a sword, and burned his body to ash for good measure. The next few hours were nothing but a hazy rage, as a veritable army of undead, demons and other aberrant beings chewed the soldiers apart. Every Sentinel that fell was added to the tide that Dianna set loose. Every necromancer is taught from a young age to always exercise an iron will over their thralls, to never let them so much as think the smallest thought without permission. But the loss of her son and wife broke something inside her. She didn't want control, she wanted annihilation. Her subjects were given free reign to wipe these soldiers from the face of the planet for all she cared. In the end, every Sentinel was killed and claimed by Dianna, but the chaos killed many other innocent people. The city witnessed horrible things that day, but time eventually moved on. Gradually, the world began to feel less scared of Necromancy, but no one in the world today remembers what happened when the so-called moral saviors of a bygone age sent an army to kill two innocent people. History simply forgot. Today, no one is entirely sure where Professor Bishop comes from, or why someone like her chooses to teach something other than necromancy at a magic university, let along teach anything at all with her demeanor. Some people believe she likes having authority over people, others think she does it solely for the paycheck or the job benefits. What they don't know is that Dianna takes genuine pride in what she does. Educating a younger generation reminds her of her son. She loved to watch him learn what she taught him, and it helps her remember a better time in her life. A time before she was a bitter, vindictive murderer with an army of ghostly soldiers under her thumb. [/hider]