[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xtBiPq8.png[/img] [color=FF8c00]Rank 6 24 / 60 EXP[/color] [b][u]Midgar, Suoh The Otherlobe[/u][/b][/center] Raz had an uneventful sleep, the excitement of the day and what was to follow not keeping him up. Well, not [i]much[/i] at least. There was a good minute or so of laying in bed, staring up at the bunk above him with anxiousness. The reality of things were starting to settle on him now that the action was done with. He was a [i]spy.[/i] Maybe not in an official sort of sense, but he was inside the Psych-OSF as a kind of double agent, or interloper, whatever the right word was. In a way he was being an actual Psychonaut, against the Psychonauts! In a way at least. Raz woke up before he even realized he fell asleep. It almost felt like he didn't, instead the day changed over and he was less exhausted. Weird feeling. Meeting up with the other two in the cafeteria, Raz was a little surprised they hadn't run into each other at the outfitter, since they had all opted to change before heading over here. [color=FF8c00]"Hey guys!"[/color] Raz hurried across the room to Peach and Sakura. His new uniform was a touch more practical than either of theirs, or at least it wasn't [i]as[/i] impractical; a gray peacoat that reached his knees, under which he wore a black tactical turtleneck and a similar pair of some sorta cargo pants with kneepads. He swapped out his dress shoes for some boots, a dull red that matched his new gloves and messenger bag. He still kept his trusty helmet, though. [color=FF8c00]"Guess we all had the same idea, huh? I'm not great at picking out clothes for myself, but I think I did an... okay? Job."[/color] He looked over himself, giving his new duds a few tugs to fit right. [color=FF8c00]"Kinda surprised they had things in my size! Well, my size-ish."[/color] The three met up with Luka, were introduced to two of their other platoon members, and then Luka revealed that he would round the group out as the leader. A part of Raz had hoped that his experience in the old Psychonauts meant [i]he[/i] could be the leader, but he set that disappointment aside for now. [color=FF8c00]"I'm Razputin, but everyone calls me Raz. You guys ready for today? Operation... Scour, was it? Do we know a lot about it yet? We only just got recruited yesterday and didn't get much time for a briefing, eheh."[/color] When everyone left to get their breakfast Raz sent a short psychic message to Peach and Sakura, bypassing the platoon's Brain Speak with his own psychic capabilities. [i][color=FF8c00]"Before things kick off I'm going to sneak out. Get all the Psych-OSF info we have to the others... somehow."[/color][/i] Hopefully Giovanna and her organization planned for an information relay with them! Dipping away from the group when their focus was drawn to the breakfast line Raz made for the exit. The Otherlobe had a near identical layout to the Motherlobe, so it wouldn't be hard for him to find his way, but the tricky part would be leaving without being seen. Luckily, the familiar psychic training seemed to have knocked something loose in his mind... [hider=Power Get!][center][b]Invisibility[/b] Raz can turn invisible for a short period of time, perfectly hidden from sight - coupled with his mental defenses, he was borderline untraceable. His inexperience with the power limits some of its use however, as he can only turn invisible in short bursts, remaining that way for up to 15 seconds before the power fizzles out.[/center][/hider] Ducking behind a potted plant in the atrium Raz popped his newly recovered ability, disappearing from view entirely. Time was of the essence now; he made a break for the Otherlobe's exit hatch, slipping down the tube and through the lobby as quick and quietly as he could, while also avoiding the bodies of staff and soldiers milling around. Without much time left to spare Raz rushed from the Otherlobe, racing as far away from it as he could in the last remaining moments of invisibility, before finally leaping sideways into an abandoned alleyway between some surrounding buildings. He popped back into visible form, flat against the wall. [color=FF8c00]"Hoo boy. I really need to train on that one..."[/color] He muttered, sidling sideways to make sure he was out of view a bit more. [color=FF8c00]"Okay."[/color] Raz surveyed the area. [color=FF8c00]"If I was a secret informant wanting information on the goings-on of a military organization on the cusp of serious business, where would I hide...?"[/color][hr][center][color=ff8c00]760 Words +2 EXP[/color][/center]