Looking up, Carth was able to see the beast that he could now see that was like a snake with looked to see with bird like qualities. He rolled his eyes as he realized the predicament that he was in now. "Great...of course there has to be something that flies...." groaning aloud while feeling would be better if he had Ash's horse leave since he would need the focus and further mobility. letting the reins go, he slowed his horse down enough to slap the rear of Ash's horse so it would take off and hopefully find its way to Ash and Scarlet. "Guess I'll draw its attention then...." feeling that maaayyybeee, his idea was not the best idea. Oh well, he was glad that the pain was starting to fade. Maybe by adrenaline. Who knows. Right....distraction.... Carth could only think of one thing to do. "HEY! OVER HERE YOU FLYING LIZARD!!!! IM TASTEY!!!" He shouted while waving his arms. Hopefully that gots its attention....hopefully.