[h3]Mella[/h3] [@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze] [hr] Mella remained quiet. On one hand, making a fuss would probably only draw more attention. That and she really didn't have much of a say about what sir Reginald ultimately ever ended up doing. As it stood there wasn't really a way to so easily turn down the bird. She'd just have to...discreetly get rid of it at some point, then. She wondered if she put it in a box and shipped it across the seas would it be done with? "There will be no need for that, Sir Afah." She'd ultimately respond with a mild frown. "I am quite fine with having this...thing accompany if you wish to keep it. Though since it is a gift I reserve the right to do whatever with it." She'd affirm, loosening the grip of the kitten in her arms as she'd move it so she was cradling it like a baby, paws up towards her and its head resting in the crook of her elbow. "I suppose though, my hands are rather full...miss Elastasia, was it? If you don't mind me making a small request to handle this kitten so we can go finish our shopping...unless you'd wish to accompany me as well?"