"I believe it's for the best if everyone comes along," responded Aleksiya with a nod, "It's quite a bit wiser to attack in force then to leave anything to chance, is it not?" Aleksiya would have liked to say she could do it by herself. In fact, it was rather painful to admit she couldn't in her current state. But more than that, she decided it would be rater unwise to reveal what the target was until they were out of earshot of the villagers. Only an idiot would bear them ill intent at this time, and Aleksiya fully believed in the cause of removing the threat the beast posed. However, to reveal the source was one of their allies would immediately set the villagers' suspicions running high no matter what the situation may be. Thus, it was quite a bit wiser to wait until they could talk amongst themselves without such risks. With that being said... "Though... perhaps a volunteer could stay behind to help ensure the villagers' safety..." [@Psyker Landshark][@Rune_Alchemist]