[b]November:[/b] [b]Brown:[/b] This is a problem. Because it is immediately and clearly obvious, in the split second before he is capable of hiding it, that Singh knows [i]exactly[/i] what the name [i]Everest[/i] means. So instead he turns to Remoil. “These bags would be yours, then? If I may?” He doesn’t lay it on too thick. Just the facade of a kindly older gentleman. Remoil is suspicious, of course she is. But she might as well as been asked if she might pass the salt. Such things are hard to refuse. “If you must. Mr?” Singh takes the bag and takes advantage of the terminal being one of the widest spaces you can find on Thrones, when he spins it by the handle around himself and throws it five meters out. It is an impressive feat of strength for such an older man, and it’s clear he doesn’t have it in him for a repeat performance. Frankly it's a miracle he didn't hit anyone, managed to get the bag to sail overhead. Remoil's other bag he just drops at his feet. And he kick-slides it across the floor in the other direction. “Don’t worry about it.” He wraps an arm around your shoulders, Brown, and is already pulling you along before anyone else gets a chance to react. “Walk, walk. Keep walking. Goat is already unloaded and on their way to Nepenthe, we’ll meet them there.” Remoil’s absolutely a bigger fish than Singh. She just doesn’t know that yet. [b]Yellow:[/b] Fiona starts- “I didn’t mean it had to be your siblings, there were a bunch of GAI who-” “Hold on.” Crystal cuts her off. “But we know the fate of the siblings was, in their own turns, similarly ignoble?” “Well… We don’t [i]know[/i],” Fiona starts. Crystal presses. “But each, in their turn, was [i]likely [/i]sold to people of means and resources?” “Sure.” Fiona concedes. “And we have, in this moment, a significant conspiracy, a [i]threat[/i], who cannot reveal the true depth of their vulnerability? A problem in desperate need of a solution?” Fiona stops. Just, stops on the trail. “You cannot be serious.” “Why, Yellow, dearest, loveliest, sweetest of hearts,” Crystal sings. “Would it be too distasteful to blackmail this conspiracy into assisting you in finding your siblings? I think you’d look dashing in a gray hat.”