"That would seem the most prudent action..." Marius agreed, gazing around. The walls were made with heavy cuts of timber and well connected, but the lack of activity was concerning. Of course, he didn't know if he should expect to see anyone here, but it did send a chill up his spine to see a small piece of civilization now devoid of life after the encounter with the beastmen. Marius dismounted from his new steed, keeping a hand on the hilt of his sidesword just in case but trying to keep his visage serene. He approached one of the service doors near the silo and knocked with no small measure of trepidation. He winced when he heard the noise the knocking made. It sounded unnecessarily loud in the deep silence of the silo. He waited a few moments but heard no answer in reply. Well, so much for that plan. Still, they needed to get inside in order to check the shipment. The fact that there were guards here showed that nothing had ransacked the place. Perhaps it was just the roads that had led the shipments to stop operating. "Excuse me..." A voice began, but was cut off abruptly as Marius heard an added kislevite curse. Marius turned and saw a man, having apparently come out from the back of one of the houses, sporting a brown goatee and a foppish hat holding his hands up disarmingly, Natasha's spearpoint at his throat. Marius saw the fear in his eyes and he couldn't blame him. If he had a blade to his own throat, he might have made less than masculine sounds. "Who are you?" Marius asked, indicating for Natasha to lower her weapon. She did so after a moment of thought. The man swallowed and rubbed his neck, attempting to regain what composure he could. "Wilbrecht Coureham. I'm one of the sub-supervisors for this location. Are you an agent of Grunwalk and Sons? We've been waiting for word from wolfenburg but have heard nothing in a fortnight. You have to be, yes?" "We were hired to make certain the gunpowder was safe to be transported back." The merchant said, holding the reins of his horse to calm his steed. "Oh, erm... yes, of course." He said, sounding like he just remembered something unpleasant. He glanced at the guards, who looked their way under their visored helms. Marius thought this was a strange encounter, but he wasn't going to strike any alarms and sic Natasha on someone without seeing things for himself. He decided to say as much. "May we inspect the blackpowder?" Marius asked.