[@LegendBegins] Could we get a dice roll command in the future? I know the Guild has a dice roller, but I figure it'd be better if the roller could be used directly in posts rather than being a separate thing you'd have to link from your dice campaigns. Also, what about other die rulesets being added to the system? Right now the dice roller works off a XdY+-Z system. However, some systems use things like degrees of success (for example, if a rolled die is above X or equal number, then it's a success). You've even got things where some numbers are considered double successes, such as 10s. We can technically roll for DoS in the roller as it is now, but it requires a manual count to ensure what one has rolled. Could it be streamlined to display such formulas on top of the regular DnD-style dice rolling? Something like: 5d10>7 = 1, 5, 7, 7, 9 = 3 successes (2 7s, and the 9, which is greater than 7). If the 7s in this case were considered "double successes", then they'd display in bold font or something. At least that's how I've seen it work with bots on Discord.