*inhale* *exhale* I had my birthday and a job interview on Wednesday. On the way to the interview, I encountered a major 4 way intersection with all lights down (cops, construction crews, the whole 9). Found the interview street but some stupid ******* was blocking the road in such a way that I had to reverse my car on a turn to get back on the street. Got around *that* and before I parked... my car starts thudding. Flat tire. ...a problem for the Dizzy that exists after the interview. So by this point I am about 15 minutes late. Have hit so many stressors that I have topped the meter... and swumg all the way around to not giving a shit. I walk into the interview with the calm aura of someone who's accepted that despite all efforts to the contrary, we are not always in control. I walk out with an offer. *headdesk* there's light at the end of the tunnel, and its not an oncoming train