Seeing his fellow attack leader in danger, Ervdul punched out two more highwayman before moving to join his reptilian counterpart. "Are you done being reckless now, Yoseph?" Ervdul asked. "Not until the Northman is dead!" Yosef hissed in reply as he picked himself up before charging down towards where Jørmund was despite Ervdul's protests. Joseph struck twice against the earth genasi, the first blow scoring a hit against a gap in Jørmund's chain mail and the second missing by a wide margin. [hider=OOC] Ervdul takes out two highwayman and moves to join Yosef. Yosef moves to and attacks Jørmund. He hits Jørmund with a [url=]19[/url], dealing [url=]7[/url] damage, and misses Cascade with a [url=]4[/url]. [url=]Map[/url] (The password is 'Highway Finale'.) Battlefield: 20 Cascade: 18 Aura: 17 Ervdul: 9 Yosef: 8 Jørmund: 5 <- Flicker: 3 [/hider]