[center][b][h2][color=sandybrown]Sgt Dalton & The 'Boys[/color][/h2][/b][/center] Sgt Dalton looked around. His hard glance scanning like a sensor pack on a mech. The ‘Boys were having a good day sharing some of the ammunition stolen from the Espian Guards with the formerly unacquainted members of the Heavenly Sword. They were spread out in good defensive positions that crossed multiple killzones and amplified the presence of the big guns on Knights’ mechs and the Von Luckner. Even in the deep dark of the valley before first light, there was nowhere that their haphazard attackers could hide from them. The enemy were not soldiers, just fanatics and some broke in the face of the withering wall of fire that had suddenly changed the terms of their would-be glorious appointment with the afterlife. Others pressed on with crazed devotion straight into their guns. The machinations people’s minds could be twisted into believing never ceased to amaze. When the call came in for a flare down range, Dalton had barely lowered his binoculars and turned in his position on top of the APC to see the trooper behind him quickly loading an illumination round into the mounted mortar on the rear decking of the vehicle. The shot went out, rocking the APC gently as it launched out of the tube. After a few seconds the tiny star had barely erupted before another pair of PPC bolts streaked overhead close enough that Dalton could feel the electric heat rip through the air, illuminating the surrounding area for a split second in hot blue-white light. Two more drones erupted into molten rain and Dalton took another look through the lenses. Heavenly Sword fighters were actively [i]avoiding[/i] the drones. He could see them running and driving away frantically to get clear, apparently feeling their chances were better in some way with Marit’s missile barrage, Steel Rain’s variety pack of death, being literally stomped underfoot by Raven or just mowed down by the ‘Boys' machine gun positions. He gave a snort of approval watching them flee. Gently falling from the top of its trajectory, the flare cast a ghostly white over the field, mixing deep shadows with burning orange and the curling black smoke of destroyed vehicles. Tracers arced and cut through the night amid the smell of burning tires, cordite and faintly the hot sizzle of something he knew was most definitely not bacon. It was almost a lull, he could feel it in his gut, a brief quiet, but like most of the long-timers he’d known when he was just a recruit himself, there was a sort of developed sixth sense for the energy in a battle and when it was about to shift. Like the change in wind when a sudden rainstorm approached. “[color=sandybrown]Eyes up ladies.[/color]” He said grimly into the mic fastened to his shoulder. Even though the battle still continued around him, he knew the ‘Boys would understand his skeptical tone. ‘[i]The only easy day was yesterday[/i]’ as the saying went. The Knights weren’t even close to finished business at the Tie Shan River Dam and his instincts were proven right only a few seconds later when the first buggy came skidding down the broken highway in the distance. A mix of more buggies and armored cars came behind the leader, and more headlights behind those. The morning was breaking slightly and gentle orange curves were beginning to form under the cloud layer. He glanced through his binoculars. “[color=sandybrown]Round two comin’ up…[/color]” He had barely got the words out before an explosion buffeted the air not far from his position. Having listened to cars, trucks and high explosives detonate in the open air all morning. This sound was [i]different[/i], almost muffled, like something had struggled to contain the blast and quickly failed. He had hardly turned his head to look before one of the ‘Boys came on the channel: “[color=limegreen]Holy Shit Sarge! Bastard just ran through a house and exploded himself![/color]” Dalton turned to see what was left of a burning farmhouse as a confetti of debris fell around the destroyed structure. Another explosion sounded then another. An angry shout from one of the ‘Boys came on the radio, but Dalton already knew what he was going to say. “[color=limegreen]Fuckers are goin’ after the civie houses![/color]” “[color=sandybrown]Hold position![/color]” Dalton barked. “[color=limegreen]But Sarge![/color]” “[color=sandybrown]If they get past us, then we’re gonna lose [i]every[/i] house![/color]” He barked. [color=sandybrown][i]And our own asses with them.[/i][/color]. His mind quietly completed the thought. “[color=sandybrown]Now hold Goddamnit! You remember what the Colonel said, every shot’s gotta count, [i]This is it![/i][/color]” Dalton understood what was going on. Whoever was commanding this force of zealots was just upping the stakes, like pushing chips into the center of the table for a high hand. The gambit was that the Knights would break position, even just a little, from covering the dam to protect civilians. He wasn’t going to do that. The ‘Boys, and likewise the mechs and Von Luckner would have to make the most of their advantage and protect what they could, but the pathway to the dam absolutely could not be left in jeopardy. It sucked. It was a fucked choice to have to make and he understood people were going to die as a direct result of his decision- This was the true face of war. Nobody really won and often innocent people got caught in the middle. As he had done many times before, he would make peace with it, but in due time. For now he had to save who he could and do his best to keep them all from dying. He looked back at the rapidly approaching second wave as the ‘Boys opened up again with renewed determination, ripping out short bursts of fire at as many targets as they could. This new column looked much more purpose driven than the previous gaggle and they all seemed to be focused on a single point, like a giant arrowhead swarming over the battle-shredded terrain. “[color=sandybrown]Check six, Family Man, looks like you got their attention.[/color]” [center][b][h2][color=Silver]Raven Rivers[/color][/h2][/b][/center] “[color=silver]We’ll search for survivors when this is over…[/color]” Raven said, answering Marit. It was the closest thing he could think of to “[i]reasonably doable[/i]” as the Colonel had described. He hosed down another group of vehicles with his laser when another pair of Jon’s shots came racing overhead so close he had to resist the involuntary reflex to duck his head in the cockpit. He gritted his teeth, not sure if the man was doing it on purpose, but he also couldn’t dispute that the sensor screen was clearing. It’d be worth mentioning to the Colonel later. The Knights didn’t need another PPC hotshot like Golden Boy. The first bomber to claim a civilian structure exploded on the edge of Raven’s periphery, followed by another then another in quick succession. He could hear the ‘Boys pleading with Sgt Dalton and sympathized with them. Like him, several of the infantrymen had wives and children and the thought of them being left to the random chance of some brainwashed psychopath on a motorcycle or a truck laden with high explosives made his stomach twist in knots, the fact that he was in a position to do something to stop it just worsened the feeling. Like the troopers on the radio, Raven’s first instinct was to help, but he had to concede to himself that the sergeant was right and hoped that after all the fighting thus far, maybe the occupants had ran for the hills for safety. As a mechwarrior and lance leader, he had the authority to override Dalton’s decision, however such a notion was simply not entertained on the battlefield within Gaiwan’s Green Knights. Dalton’s field experience was worth more than any amount of medals, rank or campaign badges. It still stung though, same as it always did. He knew he couldn't save everyone but unlike many within his chosen profession, his compassion for his fellow man never degraded into the callousness for humanity that many exhibited. He still valued life and “[i]better them than me[/i]” was no way to live. Brimming with anger at the desperation of the Heavenly Sword, Raven turned at Sgt Dalton’s warning call and put a full alpha-strike into the head of the new wave of attackers. The Shadow Hawk shuddered around him at the release of all its weapons and the reload timers immediately began refilling for another salvo at the corner of his HUD. The front of the Heavenly Sword column of armored cars and buggies rippled like one mass reacting to his attack and the explosion in front of him erupted from the ground lighting up the sky and low cloud of the breaking morning. Still they kept pressing and Raven knew he was being swarmed. It was the only tactic they had left. He could see his leg armor beginning to register hits from rocket fire as they raced around him and he literally kicked a buggy like a soccer player putting the ball back in play from a corner of the field. The small vehicle cartwheeled away headlights flipping end over end through the dim morning as the Shadow Hawk’s jump jets ignited again and Raven performed a small hop while his legs twisted beneath him and he hit ground already moving towards the river bank. The trick maneuver cleared his blindspot momentarily, but the armored cars and buggies continued to pursue him vigorously, firing the whole way. Like the ‘Boys he couldn’t abandon his defensive position around the main road leading to the dam, but he could at least draw them closer for Aroxy and Marit to do some damage. “[color=silver]Looks like I’m really popular today.[/color]” He grumbled, checking his speed. “[color=silver]I’m gonna try and swing them around for a broadside. When I cut back, let’em have it![/color]” For a moment, Raven’s Shadow Hawk looked more like a Javelin as he kicked the jets again and rotated his legs back the opposite direction, finessing the machine into what would be an inhuman contortion. It was one of his favorite maneuvers and was as natural for him on the controls as hitting the ball with the bat. The footpads hit the ground running again, biting into the terrain like giant metal cleats. He fired at the angry gaggle pursuing after him and they likewise turned to give chase sending rockets soaring around him.