[quote=@baraquiel] [hider=Jelani Ndiaye] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9d/4d/cc/9d4dccf461b963089836fa0bcee16980.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Jelani Ndiaye Species: Human Age: 27 Sex/gender: Female, She/Her Role: Gloomminster University staff - Liquid Alchemy & Arcane Brewing Professor Appearance: As part of a tradition from her homeland that spans generations, Jelani has various markings on her body most notably on her face, back of her hands and feet, and her back. She likes to mix modern trends with her traditional clothing, and she wears jewelry that's given to her by her mother and grandmother. As such, Jelani is seen to always have a scarf wrapped around her head as per her homeland's tradition as well. Personality: Jelani is bright and spirited. Being a part of a handful of young professors of Gloommnister University, she wants her students to feel at ease at her company especially since her subject is one of the hardest to teach. She ideally wants to create an environment where her students can have fun while also learn a lot of meaningful things as well. Most of the troublemakers take advantage of her kindness and her being near their age group, but only a fool would underestimate a teaching prodigy such as Jelani. History: Jelani Ndiaye's father worked abroad to support the family while she was left under the care of her mother and grandmother. They instilled the core values and culture of their homeland within her, teaching her and honing her magical abilities. Jelani's parents then decided to work harder so they could have money to send her to study at Gloomminister University so she could learn even more about magic and the world around her. She even decided to take up part-time jobs to support herself and to be able to send money back to her family. Through dedication and hardwork, Jelani persevered until she graduated top of her class. The university viewed her as an asset and hired her to be a part of their prestigious staff. She never stopped working, never stopped learning, and never stopped being kind to those around her. Now, her father was back at home with her mom as they enjoyed retirement while Jelani has continued to teach at the university. She hoped that like her mother and late grandmother, Jelani could be a beacon of hope and inspiration to the young bright students that she teaches. [/hider] [hider=Hurgen Dawnfort] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/89/fa/fc/89fafcb192a63a08d5b7c133ce6875bd.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Hurgen Dawnfort Species: Dwarf Age: 51 Sex/gender: Male, He/Him Role: Gloomminster University staff - Artifice Professor Appearance: Standing at a respectable 4'9" 1/2, the 1/2 is important to him, Hurgen is always seen wearing his artificier uniform, his way of showing he lives and breathes being an artificier. He has had blue markings on his face and all over his body even at birth, and he keeps his beard and hair braided and well-kept by metal hair bands. He is particularly bound with big muscles though he does also have quite the beer belly. If there's one thing Hurgen loves just as much as artifice magic, it's a good ol' fashioned beer. Personality: Hurgen is a very merry person to be around with. He can mostly be seen talking with his students when he's out and about as he's really curious about the constantly changing trends in today's world, so he can also somewhat connect to them. In short, the other students really vibe with him a lot. He's also definitely intrigued by what teenagers are into these days because he really wants to get close to his teen kids too. He also loves a good drink or ten so inviting him over at a cozy pub is a great way to earn his affection. However, Hurgen takes his artificer class [i]very[/i] seriously. He is as fun and relaxed outside of class as he is serious and strict when it comes to teaching his subject, but he always make sure to give positive reinforcements to all his students and he is patient and very helpful to those that need it too. History: In the Dawnfort family, the men were always given the pressure to succeed when it came to artificiary magic. This had led to Hurgen's older sister always in constant arguments with their dad. Despite being the eldest child, Hurgen was always the one being given the opportunities and the rewards despite his sister's hardwork, and despite her being more talented than him. She had enough of the humiliation and anger she constantly felt under their dad so she left. This created a rift in the family, which made Hurgen's father push him to his limits and make him think that no one will take him seriously until he had proven his worth. That was what Hurgen believed in most of his life. When he became a young adult, he had a chance to reconnect with his older sister. He was surprised to see how happy she became ever since she left, like she was a bird finally free from her cage. She also helped Hurgen deconstruct their dad's toxic idealogy from him and realize he doesn't have to constantly kill himself from working so much to prove his worth, that he was already worthy of a lot of good things in life just for being himself. Since then, Hurgen left to become independent and started to have a healthy outlook not just on artificiary magic but on his life as well. He found the one he'll grow old with for the rest of his life and their love gave them a beautiful baby girl. Hurgen then became a professor at Gloomminister University and became a firm yet nurturing hand to those that he taught and will continue to teach. [/hider] [/quote] Looks great! Like them both!