Another bump to show that this is still alive. For those who are still with us, what are your thoughts about a sorta "Open World" type of campaign? Where basically there is t too much if a specific plot, and more that you and the group have to go out of your way to find the plot yourselves. Personally I was thinking of just doing it in a typical chapter like formula i.e. first chapter will have you fight one guy, next chapter we do build up until the next boss fight, etc etc. Open world is good if you actually have stuff you wanna do that isn't just a dungeon crawl and fighting, like if you wanna engage with the crafting system, make cash, RP with folks, etc but if everyone isnt really into that there will inevitably be that one fighter or barbarian who has nothing to do, because their class features dont give them much if anything to do that someone with better class skills couldn't accomplish. And even if you do have a niche you could try to fulfill, it'll be an uphill battle to accomplish much unless I throw low DC's at you. Which I could, depending on the context.