Lexi had barely noticed that Dean grabbed a spray can of deodorant off the shelf near her until he had actually spoken up, snapping her out of her thoughts and memory. She really had thought that these kinds of moments were passed her, but it seemed she was incredibly wrong. Hearing what he said made her smirk and chuckle, truly bringing her back out of her mind and back into the present again. "do I truly strike you as a powder and floral kinda girl?" She asked him with her smirk never leaving her lips. She forced herself not to raise an eyebrow at the same time, something inside telling her not to do it, despite any other time with anyone else she probably would have. Despite his own eyebrows raising, she just sniggered at the conversation they were even having right now. It felt so....normal. No words of hunts, monsters, ghosts, just normal life things like needing to smell nice in a car with other people. "If you make yourself smell like a bunch of flowers tied into some girl's hair I will instantly disown you" she told him before grabbing some deodorant for herself, her usual brand that didn't have a particularly special odour but was a nice fresh smell none the less. Chucking it into the trolley, she continued to stroll along the aisle with Dean, making sure not to go too far ahead incase he was still deciding on something they passed in said aisle. ------------------------- Sam was honestly slightly concerned that he was about to scare off Anya by maybe explaining a little too much to why he was in this town. He had never felt nervous about someone writing something down before, but here he was feeling slightly on edge as she wrote down a sentence that seconds later when it was shown to him, would make him go from being concerned to intrigued. The choice of wording was interesting to him, especially due to his day job. To anyone else, he could imagine they'd think she meant the metaphorical kind of ghosts, but his kind instantly went to the literal sense of the word and he got wondering if she too was a hunter. He went to start to reply to her, when she quickly pulled the pad back and wrote again. Instead of replying to her first sentence, he decided he would wait for her next comments before he spoke, and if he could, he would reply to both things in one go. Yet the next thing that she wrote down threw him off guard and made him lean back in his seat. Neither he or his brother had had anyone looking for them for a long while now, especially not since Mika passed and they got Bobby to make it crystal clear that no one was to come after either of them. Especially if people didn't want Dean beating them to death just for being near him. He opened and closed his mouth a few times as he tried to find the words in how to respond. He knew he had two options in this situation, 1) lie and say he knew no one of that surname or 2) admit he was a Winchester and then ask her if she too was a hunter. He also found himself briefly asking 'what would Dean do?' but in the end he cautiously let himself go down the middle ground of both his options, an option 3 of sorts. "I might do. If I give it some thought that is. Why you looking for a Winchester? If you don't mind me asking. Are you a hunter?" He replied with slowly, quietly and clearly so she could read his lips.