[quote=@LostDestiny] [hider=Fancy Vamp Prof] [center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/344131923/original.jpg[/img] [color=b11226][i]“I lived through it, of course I know best.”[/i][/color] [b][color=b11226][h1]Appearance[/h1][/color][/b] [color=b11226]Height:[/color] 6'6 [color=b11226]Weight:[/color] 140 lbs [color=b11226]Body Type:[/color] Tall and slender [color=b11226]Eyes:[/color] Yellow [color=b11226]Hair:[/color] Platinum Blonde [color=b11226]Fashion:[/color] Demetri is never caught dressed in anything less than formal attire. So much so that many assume he even sleeps in a suit, if he sleeps at all. He can often also be seen sporting a long black and red cloak. The collar of which is always stuck straight up in the stereotypical vampiric style. [b][color=b11226][h1]Basic Info[/h1][/color][/b] [color=b11226]Name:[/color] Demetri Regal [color=b11226]Species:[/color] Vampire [color=b11226]Gender:[/color] Male [color=b11226]Pronouns and Sexual orientation:[/color] He/Him, Whatever he happens to fancy “this century”. [color=b11226]Age and date of birth:[/color] Demetri gives a different answer every time he is asked. Nobody really knows. [color=b11226]Professor of:[/color] Archaic Runes and Ancient Texts [b][color=b11226][h1]Personal Information[/h1][/color][/b] [color=b11226]Personality:[/color] Demetri holds himself with the confidence of someone who has been around for a very long time. He can easily fit in with just about any personality type with ease. Though most of the time he acts as one would expect a Victorian noble, Proper and polite, at least when he feels he needs to be. Aka when most of the students interact with him. Though luckily the prejudice and sexism that generally comes with that personality type seems to be non-existent. [color=b11226]History:[/color] Not much is known about Demetri’s history. Whenever asked his favorite pastime is to give a different answer every time. One thing is for certain however. Demetri has been teaching at Gloomminister University for as long as the school has been around. He is easily spotted in some of the school’s earliest photographs. [/center][/hider] [/quote] What a proper fellow! Very nice!