[hider=ToP] [center][h2][color=ebd197][b][u]Tyanna of Pentos[/u][/b][/color][/h2] [color=ebd197][i]Born 15AC - 26[/i][/color] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ERtCQQc.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/v1JXMPY.png[/img] [hr][/center] [color=ebd197][B]Description and Biography:[/b][/color] Tyanna was born to a Pentosi magister and one of his free bond servants - a woman known for a silver tongue and silken voice. The girl grew up in the magister's palatial estate, though was never directly recognized as his daughter. As a young child she was considered beautiful if oddly precocious. From a young age she held an unnatural interest in forbidden arts, in dark studies. She had a keen interest in alchemy, though there were was little she could pursue through official channels. After a series of mysterious deaths, mutilations, and disappearances plagued the magister's household, Tyanna was turned out; she had not yet reached thirteen namedays. The girl was not so charming as her mother had been, but she had grown into a recognized beauty if starkly so. Pale with raven hair that fell in thick waves, there was an air of danger that only increased when her lips curled up into a knowing smile. She easily found work as a tavern dancer. Tyanna did not care for the sexuality the work demanded of her, but she enjoyed the power and access it gave to continue her craft. She dabbled in alchemy, some say she practiced sorcery. By the time she was twenty she left taverns behind and had become a widely sought after courtesan. Men would occasionally disappear after their time with her. Some were never seen again, others were found badly beaten nearly beyond recognition in dirty alleys. Where other courtesans capitalized on their delicate beauty, it was her harshness and the dangerous rumors that drew men to her like flies to a spider's web. No matter the truth behind the rumors, Tyanna is not a woman to be trifled with. She entertains the wealthy and powerful but relies on the lowest of men and controls her network through fear. Few come to work for her willingly, driven by desperation. Some few of similar mind give themselves mind and body to her work, miscreants and deviants. The arrival of Maegor Targaryen and his wife, Alys Harroway sent waves of rumor through Pentos. The Sorceress of Pentos watched from a distance, waiting for the perfect moment to strike and found it in the Prince's absence. [/hider]