[b]Blue![/b] She sends pictures to Green as she goes through the park. She's the one with the interest. Green is the only one of them to have ever adventured on a planetary body. Qatranic core attached to a cheap little quadcopter, she'd been smuggled out of the NASA base by Singh so that she could go flying in the open air. Of all the places to go, though, with the ever-present countdown of her battery capacity looming in her vision, Green had spent her time in the marshy forest-swamps of Florida. Inch by inch the drone had hovered forwards, glinting black camera lens failing to communicate the sheer excitement of learning about the natural world. The patterns of bark, budding flower-blossoms! Lines of insects and their omnipresent industry! Grumpy-suspicious birds who glared even through their singing! The endless, fascinating transmutation of dirt into wood! And, of course, the [i]lizards[/i]. The skinks and reptiles and snakes and the way they darted, as though a stone had come to life. She'd loved it. You could love nature as a puzzle. As an endless evolutionary optimization cycle that held even in the shadow of the opposable thumbs singularity. You could love it as art, its muddy indifference and battle between sight and invisibility, glorious in the scale of history it represented. Green loved it as a challenge. Explore! The further she went the more she could find, every micro-biome a historical legend, storm-carved and human-shaped, and everything seeking to travel. What an evolutionary luxury, [i]travel[/i]. Matter given mobility. Everything sought to manage it and their success or failure was written on the landscapes. So, in the end, it is the walls of the park that disappoint her the most. Cunningly designed to keep the animals and insects in without feeling like a hard barrier. A check on seeing how far all of this can go. She can't help but trace her gaze up to look at the walls of Aevum itself. Beyond it, Earth. "Hell is empty," Yellow muses aloud, unconsciously unaware of the logic that leads her to each thought "And all the devils are here." [b]Black![/b] She doesn't feel like this moment of openness has changed anything. Verbal reassurance is a weak signal, especially coming from a machine. It meant nothing if Singh had installed a backdoor, if his cryptography was flawed; a statement of intent was only as strong as the difficulty of changing that intent. It's why the trust created from throwing Remoil's bags was so strong - Singh could never un-burn [i]that [/i]bridge. That had been priced in before she even started speaking. None of this had changed her risk assessment though... it took a moment, she realized that it had been something she'd never done before. She'd taken a step to constructing something around a fixed point. That... that was new. She spends some time thinking and wandering about the offices. During this process she almost unconsciously starts pulling power points out of the walls, light bulbs off the ceiling, cracking open the cases of computer monitors. Everything goes back in place afterwards, but this is a new and high value location and it makes her feel better to do a full sweep for bugs and transmitters. Like picking up an apple and turning it over in your hands, looking for bruises. Reassuring even if you're not expecting anything. During this process, once she's sure she's unobserved, she'll go through locks and immediately available files like an RPG protagonist tossing a room for lore emails. At least, until Green signals her that it's time to reawaken Goat.