Leon just smirked playfully at Freddy. "I am smart indeed, I know." he said. Knowing Freddy liked to annoy him with teasing comments, as much as he liked to annoy the others. Emery was hoping that the pain would subside soon enough. With her being a Demi-God, she had a naturally quicker healing than humans did. Guess, being half and half, would come in handy that way. As 'Rachel' admitted what her real name was. "They seem nice enough, but I understand." she told her with a soft smile. "It's nice to meet you anyways, Rowan." she told her softly. As they reached the cabins. Emery herself was surprised by their beauty. All of the cabins seemed to be designed for every specific God and Goddess. "Wow, this place looks cool." It was very greek indeed. Nothing wrong with that. "So, what do you guys actually do here at this camp?" Emery asked, wanting to learn more about this place. Just then, she heard another voice behind her. But much deeper than the boys. Looking over her shoulder to see an older man. Expect he wasn't a man. He was a Centaur. "These must be our new-comers. Welcome to the camp." he greeted them. "My name is Chiron. Any and all questions can be directed at me." he spoke with a friendly smile.