[@Saiyan] [@xenon] [color=a36209][b][h1] [center]Joji Yamazaki [/center][/h1][/b][/color] Joji again felt like an asshole for smoking in the other’s vicinity. “[color=a36209]Sorry.[/color]” He stood up and walked a few feet away. Finishing off the cigarette before stomping on the roach. Again feeling like an asshole once again. He coughs softly before sitting back down with the rest of the group. “[color=a36209]Thank you.[/color]” He said to Adam with a bow of his head. Taking a piece of the fish, a tiny part of him wished he had a plate or something for this. However, he was used to eating raw fish with his hands. Taking a good hunk with his bare hands taking a rather large bite. Slowly finishing chewing his food before speaking. “[color=a36209]This reminds me of when my friends and I tried to fish. My friends would always catch the biggest fish, while I would always get a boot or some kind of garbage.[/color]” He chuckled thinking back to that particular memory. He took another bite out of his piece of fish. Joji leaned in close listening intensely to Zell’s battle formation. He was more than glad to be the muscle of the group. His intention was to try and protect the others as best he could. “[color=a36209]From what I’ve been able to do, it seems my abilities include increased durability, speed, and strength. So I’m okay with being upfront and protecting the rest of you guys. Of course with the rest of the other guys up front.[/color]” He had protected high ranking gangsters a bunch of times before. So this would be no different. Expect of course he would be facing magical being, instead of harden criminals.