[hr][hr][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/1084841039518507058/5b75d26e15396fbc5d23a6d864e58caf.png[/img][hr][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/1084841115447988295/lOEGcx.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] 15 million credits was enough to change someone's life. To change [i]their[/i] lives. While Danni went off about purchasing housing and blowing it on drinks, and April spoke of fine clothing and business investments, Dorian simply stared at the middle space with a quiet smile. With his portion he could finally afford a Droid to help him out, what's more…he could get his hands on some of the latest tech. The newer units had enough power to allow him to do something he's been trying to achieve for years. Tracking down temporal anomalies on Terra and other reaches of space as they passed them. His hand made its way towards his chest, feeling a necklace that was beneath his shirt, a trinket looped along the chain, a keepsake from Percy before the jump. Dorian looked up, seeing all of the trinkets that littered the ship, all of his were mostly crystalline, plant, and soil samples, unique to each planet that they'd visited. Some even contained bits of gas from the atmosphere. It started off as a way to show Percy [i]his[/i] Odyssey across space. But eventually that hope slowly faded as time went by, yet Dorian couldn't help but continue to collect his samples. [Color=CC99FF]"Who cares who posted it. Anyone tries to skimp out on payment is gonna have to deal wit' us t'ree. 'ave t'ose bank accounts emptied before t'ey can even say mercy. Fuck t'at doctor, 'e made us lose out on a damn bounty. Owes us is what 'e does."[/color] He'd already began mapping the trajectory on the star map, it was a large arched path from where they were to Titan. But as usual April wanted to gun it, and he was certain that Danni would echo the sentiment. He stared at the map projected off the holotable for a moment before closing his eyes and sighing. [Color=CC99FF]"Mon ami, I already know what you're about to suggest and it's reckless and idiotic…but we don't 'ave much of a choice. We need to get t'ere as fast as possible so 'ere's t'e plan. Danni we need to leave 'yperspace and pull a u-turn. Sooner we get t'at done t'e closer we will be from launch. I'll divert all non essential power towards t'e shields, April you'll be down in the turret room. Make sure to pelt any asteroids we may miss. Danni we need a partial link up, you'll be motoring most of your body as you pilot t'e ship while I'm inside you givin' you pointers on where to go. Excelsior, we're 'yperspacin' t'rough t'e asteroid field straight to Titan. Fastest route t'ere is."[/color] Dorian made his way behind Danni, heading to the cockpit as he began working out rerouting the power towards their shields.