[center][h1][color=#B5A642][b]Dragan Meszaros[/b][/color][/h1][/center] It seemed Giselle and Akyasha had been busy. Evidently, they'd been ingratiating themselves with one local in particular. As the woman introduced herself, Dragan removed his helmet and simply nodded back politely. [color=#B5A642][b]"Dragan."[/b][/color] Was all he said in response, setting his hammer aside at the door as he entered the blacksmith's home. Evidently, Luna had found them beforehand. Good. It would save him time in explaining. [color=#B5A642][b]"I take it Luna has apprised you of what we found beneath the village? In that case, allow me to add on with what we've heard since then. Our mad alchemist was traveling with two companions in particular when they arrived in this village. Two by the name of Rikard and Rhea."[/b][/color] He paused, choosing his next words very carefully with one of the villagers listening in. [color=#B5A642][b]"Indeed, the same two that Ilena spied in our last locale before her...passing. Given that we seem to have traveled in different directions since then, I don't foresee them becoming a problem in the near future, but it is something to look out for should we ever return by this way."[/b][/color]