[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] MacKensie placed her hand on Fenna's back; a silent thank you as they parted ways once in camp. The frenchwoman returned Adam's smile as she walked past the fire, then sat down on a small rock that was flat enough to make a comfortable seat, just next to the log-turned-bench. Covering her mouth as she yawned, she realised that she was absolutely ready for bedtime. Seeing Clive for the first time without his hat on was quite the surprise. MacKensie wasn't sure what she was expecting so that she could be so surprised, but suffice to say that the red-headed farmer did look very different without his wide-brim hat. She smiled as Joji apologised and went to finish his cigarette away from the group, acknowledging that the large man might look intimidating, but he also had manners. Her father had smoked cigars. Not often around MacKensie, but she'd smelled tobacco smoke enough times that it didn't really bother her. Perhaps now that same smell would be a comfort. In her peripheral vision, she realised the presence of Lillianna's shelter and she looked over to see it, unsure of how she'd manage to miss it in the first place. The new woman was certainly industrious. As she looked on the pretty, white haired wizard, she realised that it would be probably best to make an effort to get to know her. After all, there were six men in the group and only three women - it might be comforting if Lillianna, Fenna and herself all had eachother to confide in. But that time seemed it wouldn't be now as Zell called everyone to attention. And it sounded important. "...I've got something important to show you. Might be the difference between life and death as an adventurer, so gather round." MacKensie got up and went around the back of the log to look over the broad shoulders of Zell and Joji at the shapes in the dirt, listening to Zell explain his idea for their battle formation. Her keen mind took it all in, visualising them all in it. She was no strategist, but when Adam, Fenna and Joji backed it as a good plan, MacKensie nodded along. [color=Pink]"I will do my part,"[/color] she told everyone. It was strange to hear Zell actually take something seriously. The entire day, no matter how intense, serious or scary things had gotten, the englishman had managed to treat everything like one big joke. But he'd been gathering information somehow and had put together a thoughtful plan. For this moment, it was clear in his voice and body language that he was... [color=Pink][i]I don't know,[/i][/color] she thought. [color=Pink][i]Stronger?[/i][/color] Whatever it was, it was nice to see. Like it was his better side coming out, if only briefly. “[color=a36209]This reminds me of when my friends and I tried to fish. My friends would always catch the biggest fish, while I would always get a boot or some kind of garbage.[/color]” MacKensie laughed as she retrieved a plate and cutlery from her backpack and took some fish that was on offer. [color=Pink]"Thank you so much, Adam. You are really looking after all of us so well."[/color] It was true. Adam had been there for all of them - making sure they didn't get lost and now making sure they were fed. He was taking this mission and their sense of comraderie very seriously, and it only inspired MacKensie to do the same. She made a promise to herself that she would let him know her gratitude at some point in the near future. She copied Fenna and added some rations to the fish on her plate to make a substantial meal. As she did so, she replied to Joji. [color=Pink]"So Joji, was that your past-time? To fish?"[/color] she asked, hoping he would talk more about it and maybe his life surrounding it. [color=Pink]"I have never fished before, but it sounds like it could be fun, no?"[/color] When Fenna spoke about taking turns keeping watch, as if on queue there was a wolf howl in the distance. MacKensie felt a pang of fear. [color=Pink]"I can do that. Perhaps I could take one of the later turns, as I am about ready to collapse and this food will be the end of me. If we maybe have four shifts? That will be eight of us and one lucky person who can sleep all night,"[/color] she chuckled. [color=Pink]"I will take the last shift with someone, if that is okay?"[/color] Then she an idea. [color=Pink]"I will ask Adam or Lillianna to join me."[/color] Yes, if Adam joined her, then she could have a chance to express her gratitude for his hard work today. If Lillianna joined her then she could get to know her fellow female comrade a little better. She stayed with the group to enjoy the conversation and food for a while, but later, she went over to the pair at the shelter, told them about the watch-shifts and asked one of them to join her on the last shift.