[Center][h1]Dragonstone[/h1][/center] [Center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/08226c09-3cc7-485f-88ec-3ef0483c31be.png[/img][/center] [Right][sub][@Vanq] & [@Almalthia][/sub][/right] [hr][hr] [color=#9966CC][i]Dragonstone. With no Rhaena or Aegon. It is not fair.[/i][/color] Princess Melyssanthi pouted in the garden. She sat amidst beautiful growing things and pouted. [color=#9966CC][i]Samantha and Alayne went with her and I am stuck here with the littles and Aunt Vinegar. Ugh I despise that woman. I wish her dragon would eat her![/i][/color] Melyssanthi looked around to make sure that her Aunt was not near her, convinced that even the thought was enough to summon the woman. Relaxing when she did not see her Aunt she stood and felt a weight on her chest. Looking around cautiously, Melyssanthi turned her head and listened. [color=#9966CC][i]Something is not right.[/i][/color] Rising from sitting Melyssanthi made her way from the garden to mope to her older sister's room. [color=#9966CC][i]It will not be her room once she gets back. Or not just her room. Will things be different? Will they still want me hanging around? Or will I be in the way?[/i][/color] Melyssanthi walked slowly toward the Stone Drum, planning to flop in the center of Rhaena's bed. She sighed and wrapped her sleeves around her hands. [color=#8A2BE2]“I should return to King’s Landing tonight, love.”[/color] Aenys brought his cheek down against the top of Alyssa’s head to a soft murmur of annoyed agreement.[color=#8A2BE2] “I fear that Melyssanthi is too beside herself, perhaps we should have let her go with-”[/color] Alyssa pulled herself out from beneath her husband’s embrace. [color=#9400D3]“No, you cannot give her permission to fly out to meet them. We have spoiled them long enough, they must each fulfill their own responsibilities now.”[/color] She chided her husband, her king, but it was with an ease that spoke of the mutual love and respect they held for one another. Besides, given the choice she too would have her way and command him to stay with her rather than return to his own duties in the capitol. [color=#8A2BE2]"You are a cruel mother, as I’m sure she will remind you of frequently.”[/color] Aenys returned with a laugh as he rolled over and stretched for the glass of wine beside the bed. The bottle had been a gift from his aunt. He frowned as he swallowed the last dredges of the glass. It was not a good wine, an opinion he would not share with the woman.[color=#8A2BE2] “I should go find her, gather the rest of the children to see me off?”[/color] The girl had been beside herself, perhaps he could ease the pain a little before leaving. Aenys wandered the halls that lead to the children’s suites. He sang out Melyssanthi’s name in a strong, sweet voice.[color=#8A2BE2] “Melyssanthi, sweet dragon of mine…”[/color] He stumbled and paused, his voice echoed against the walls. Perhaps he had had more wine than he should have. He pressed a hand to his forehead and lightly shook his head. [color=#8A2BE2][i]Foolish man, Alyssa will have words if you try flying off like this.[/i][/color] He turned a corner and saw his daughter, heading not for her room but Rhaena’s. [color=#8A2BE2][i]Ah, poor child. I should send her off on Fyresong, I’ll be forgiven eventually.[/i][/color] [color=#8A2BE2]"There you are! Come, fly with me before I return to King’s Landing, I hate to leave seeing you with such unhappiness on your face.”[/color] Hearing her name sung by the sweet tenor of her father King Aenys the Princess grinned her heart swelling with love. [color=#9966CC]"Papa!"[/color] Turning to him with a warm, loving smile she embraced him with the enthusiasm she'd always expressed to her family. No matter how upset with them Melyssanthi was she always let them know she loved them, hence why she was so crushed when she'd been told she would not accompany her siblings on their tour. Pulling back to see her father’s face after her unabashed display of affection Melyssanthi pouted.[color=#9966CC] "Papa, you cannot make up for not letting me go by letting me win one race."[/color] She looked him in the eyes scowling with a twinkle in her eyes.[color=#9966CC] "However, it will go a way to soften me up, but Silverwing will not appreciate it."[/color] Aenys smiled down at his daughter, he had wrapped his arm about her to return the embrace. How lucky he was, the gods - whichever ones - had truly blessed him. Even if they tested him with Maegor’s folly and the Faith’s intractableness. His eyes shone bright, even as his wife’s words prickled in his mind. Melyssanthi would need to do her duty for their family soon enough as well. He and Alyssa had been wed with Rhaena already born by the time they were her age. Perhaps in the next year he would arrange a good match, a happy marriage to one of the sons of the great houses. She would love the Reach surely, or perhaps they would strengthen the bond with their cousins in the Stormlands. Now, though, was not the time for that discussion.[color=#8A2BE2] "Silverwing will show me her displeasure when I am halfway across the Bay, certainly. But that is for me to worry about.”[/color] He left his arm around her shoulder as he turned to guide them out of the Stone Drum. [color=#8A2BE2]“A race around the island it is.” [/color] Aenys led them out at a leisurely pace though it was not entirely just to enjoy time with his daughter. He had begun to sweat lightly, he felt off in a way he couldn't quite place. The king tried to ignore it, he had often been sickly growing up and memories of it triggered a panic from time to time. Surely that's all this was, mixed with discontent at having to leave his family.[color=#8A2BE2] "We should be careful though. One of the men saw that wild dragon take flight again. He'll be a mighty one, perhaps even to rival Vhagar."[/color] He smiled, knowing how his children felt about his aunt's mount.[color=#8A2BE2] "Perhaps when Aegon returns, he will manage to bond with him."[/color] It would be an especially good omen, if Aegon were to tame the wild one. [color=#9966CC]"Papa, you would never let Silverwing do such a thing." [/color] Melyssanthi slowed their pace even more when she noticed how pale her father was and that he'd begun to sweat.[color=#9966CC] "Papa? Is something wrong?"[/color] She ignored the comment about Aegon being without a dragon. Others in her family, cousins on mothers side, did not have dragons. Her brother's lack of one did not mean he was weak, just different. Her voice pitched low so that others could not hear, she turned in her father's embrace. Melyssanthi cast a worried eye over him. [color=#9966CC][i]He really does not look well.[/i][/color]A sense of dread fell over her as she felt that sense of something that was not right. Instead of hearing what was around her; her ears were full of a rushing sound that roared upon her. Then a mob so loud all shouting over another. Sounds of fighting then a soft murmur of anguish in her sister's voice as she said her brother's name. The sharp [b][i]caw caw[/i][/b] of a raven, far too loud, snapped her hearing back to where she was presently.[color=#9966CC] "Papa…something is not right. Something is wrong. I am afraid." [/color] Aenys stopped, his other arm raised and pressed to his chest at a sudden, piercing pain. In the haze of it, he attempted to look down and comfort his daughter that all was well, but he faltered before being able to utter a single reassuring syllable. He dropped, one knee catching him on the floor, but most of his weight now supported by the arm around his daughter. His pale lilac eyes widened with untempered fear. He sucked in a breath but felt no air. He saw the look on her face, a fear mirroring his own. A groan of anguish passed his lips as his vision blurred and was filled with blackness. He slumped, his body falling away from Melyssanthi. A fleeting thought fluttered through his mind, a plea to the gods.[color=#8A2BE2] [i]Not yet.[/i][/color] Melyssanthi saw the look of pain that carved her father’s visage into something that terrified her. He twitched and his lips opened as he suddenly went slack, his weight nearly toppling them both. Melyssanthi could not hold him up but he did not have to crash to the floor. She knelt with him as he went down. Tears coursed down Melyssanthi’s face with a shared fear. He groaned heartbreakingly and she began to sob. [color=#9966CC]"NO!!! PAPA!!"[/color] She moved to arrest his fall; to hold him in the world with her as he fell to the floor slipping out of her hands like water. Everything seemed to move like the last drop of honey on a spoon in winter. Melyssanthi watched as her father fell to the floor and she let out an anguished scream. The scream sounded like that of a mortality wounded dragon, those that heard it said it raised chill bumps and brought tears pouring forth. It was followed by the heart wrenching sobs of a daughter that very clearly loved her father. Echoing cries rose from where the dragons resided when on Dragonstone as if they too heard Melyssanthi’s heartbreak. Sobbing Melyssanthi clutched at her father’s tunic, the only word between sobs was father in different languages falling into Valyrian and staying there until guards came around the corner. They froze weapons out only to put them away. Ser Raymont of the Kingsguard reached down for the girl. Sobbing Melyssanthi held on tighter to her father. As fast as a dragon she turned her tear stained face to the Kingsguard and the excruciatingly raw sorrow evident on her face as she screamed. [color=#9966CC]"Renigon issa daor! Touch me not!"[/color] [hr] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/09726a19-5d3b-4964-85b8-516f8c5507ab.png[/img]