I had been stripped of my coat and carapace armor at the insistence of the medicae specialist, my wounds having been cleaned and bandaged appropriately. Now that the adrenaline was off, I felt about a century older, though I stood with poise and betrayed no hint of discomfort. I had so many bandages on my form I felt half-man like Lazarus. Speaking of the tech-priest, he stood beside me with his staff in hand, one eye scrolling across the debriefing room where the other two inquisitors stood present. They had the misfortune of both losing their aides in the fighting, Barnabus being the sole survivor of his contingent. If there was any resentment, I did not sense it, but I would not put it past them. Small wonder my command had led to all except my unit being almost decimated to the man. "I feel like I've been shot four times, but I think I was only hit twice..." I said in an attempt of humor. I gave her a tight lipped smile to her, but resisted the urge to run my hand through her hair. The other inquisitors need not be worried over our fraternization at this time. "It does me well to see you're alright. And you too, old man." Lazarus let out a small, particular code of binary which I had grown to learn was a derisive snort of a laugh. "Inquisitor Amator and Reichgleib, I am truly saddened at your losses. But be comforted in the fact that we have this day halted a plan that would have decimated the entirety of the sector. My people and resources are at your disposal for anything you need prior to your departure, and you have my eternal thanks." I strode forward, holding a small cane I had been granted to hold my form up so as to approach the desk. "Do you have anything you wish to report to me before word reaches the Ordo?" "No. The Xenos known as the Necrons are not unknown to my ordo." Barnabus said. "But I did manage to requisition some samples. It was the last thing Terminos managed to gift me before he fell in the fighting." "A good man." I said, though I had my reservations on collecting xenos technologies for research without being under extreme supervision, but he was an inquisitor and it was his right. "Cornelius?" "Yes, we came across a strange catacomb of glass except...the glass was made from some unknown warp material that held time in place. There were things there I never thought I would see, but I would need to look over my books before I could comment further. I was told you viewed something similar inquisitor?" I knew this was coming, and I nodded my acquiescence. "Yes, and my aide and I even managed to open one. We found something we never would have thought possible. Come, let me show you something." I told them, and without waiting for their questions I turned about face and walked to the door at the back of the room with Emmaline's help. Lazarus opened the door and kept it ajar as we walked into the larger foyer where my squadron of men stood as rigid as statues, and the towering, hulking form of Lucius Raj stood, his warhelm held underneath his arm. He had a shaven, brutish head with strange eyes that looked almost animalistic, and a jaw one could use as a cudgle. And yet he had a nobility to the barbaric look, gazing down at the inquisitors with a gaze that was almost judgemental.