The doctor smiled, which seemed genuine and honest. "I will look after her and do all I can like any other patient." He tells the redhead before waving his hand to shoo her off as he then gets to work. Heading toward the Captain's office, Carth was looking around. Living spaces to even shops and storage areas seemed to be carved along the side of walls of the mountain, stairs carved within as well. Carth was amazed by the stone craft. the whole fort looked like a village. It seemed from what Carth could see, this fort also housed the spouses and children. Even training new recruits. Coming to what seemed like another section of the fort. A more, centralized area of the military aspect of the fort, Sir Jaren lead the two toward the Captain's office. Where once the doors opened, sat at his desk, a man who seemed to be withing his 30's, short black hair neatly kept and his uniform slightly different from the rest. Showed he was Captain. He looks up, brown eyes laid upon Carth and Scarlet. Carth stopped at the center of the office at attention. "At ease lad." This Carth relaxed. hands at his side. Sir Jaren leaves them to business. "My name is Captain Sigard. So I hear you need shelter, maybe even supplies. This I can spare. How long do you think you plan to stay for?" The Captain asks. "Few days sir. At least till our companion is well for travel." Carth states. The Captain nods to this. "Very well. I have Quarters prepared for you and your friends. I only ask is that during your stay that you rest and stay out of trouble. I call upon you if we need any help. We all do our share here to keep the fort running smoothly but fairly." "Yes sir." Sigard nods before letting them leave, which Carth nods, takes a step back before turning on his heel and walks off. Sir Jaren is waiting for them, whom escorts them to their quarters not far from the compound. Opening the door, there is a decent main room with a room that leads to a kitchen, and two more rooms that look to be bedrooms. all rooms furnished. Sir Jaren leaves them to their own devices. Carth relaxes before looking to Scarlet. "Sooo....What was next?" He asks, unsure what the whole plan was.