More men in uniform were a welcome sight. Especially in those pilot uniforms. Angry people seldom think logically, and a part of Marlena worried that an angry mob would have been less likely to listen to a band of multinational soldiers like hers. Going by their specific garb they looked like pilots, in fact. "Vietnam's People Air Force," one of the men stated, confirming her theory as he looked over her, eyes lingering on the wound in her side. "Are you alright, ma'am? We can take you to our airbase." Her men chuckled slightly as Marlena smiled in appreciation. <"It's not necessary, but thank you."> she signed at the two men, making sure one of her number was watching. "It's not necessary, but thank you," one of the soldiers translated. "She heals quick anyway." "Ja, she is one of the, ah, [i]der Edelwaffen[/i]?" The soldier snapped his fingers as he tried to think of the word. "Noble Arm." "Ja, Noble Arm!" the German soldier said proudly. To demonstrate, Marlena held her arms out and drew on her powers a bit, causing a slight rain despite the clear skies overhead. Afterwards, she signed again before giving a proud salute. "Sgt. Marlena Dorn, Wachturm," the German soldier translated for the two pilots. "We're Laeleps right now, special assignment," a man in the back corrected. [@Conscripts]