[center] [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 9: 35/90[/color] Location: Clearing Party Word Count: 675 Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 9: 36/90 [/color] [/center] — Sakura nodded along as Luka explained the plan. It was going to be a big operation. Somehow, Sakura had found herself in another war. This time, she would be better prepared for what she might see. She would steel her resolve! At the very least, she doubted she would feel any sympathy for the plight of their enemies, lacking emotion and inner worlds. She doubted Raz would find anything in them if he could put a portal into their minds. These were swarms of monsters attacking the town. Sakura was ready to clear them out. She felt more like a firefighter ready to wade into action than a soldier going into battle. Raz sent a message and Sakura blinked. Right. Infiltrating. She keeps forgetting that. [color=f49ac2][i]”Go for it, Raz-kun!”[/i][/color] Sakura encouraged with her mental speak. Soon the platoon was assembled, and the frontline would be sent down after the scouts had cleared the way. Sakura exhaled. This was it! She was as ready as she’d ever be. Plunging into another fight to the death. If her father knew where she was right now, he would probably kill her himself! Since when did she get into the habit of doing this type of thing? Probably back when she chased Ryu into a fight against M. Bison. And then again when she chased Ryu into a fight against SIN. It was only a matter of time until she didn’t even need the Ryu excuse anymore. She was already used to it. — Magically teleported down below, Sakura wrinkled her nose at the sights and smells of the sewers and subways. It wasn’t supposed to be a sewer, but it was. [color=f49ac2]”Geez…”[/color] Sakura said at the disrepair. This was at the bottom of an actual city? No wonder there were monsters infesting this place. As the OSF agents prepared their weapons, Sakura made a point to show hers off by simply cracking her knuckles. Yeah. They were pretty cool. Luka explained the advantages and dangers of short range teleportation. [color=f49ac2]”A nuclear explosion? Wow, it’s not like that where I’m from.”[/color] Sakura said with a concerned expression. She thought about Dhalsim and his frequent teleporting. There was no way him and his ‘Yoga Teleport’ (which doesn’t make any sense by the way) would accidentally create a nuclear explosion. Sakura followed Peach’s lead, doing some jumping and parkour to get to their destination. At least, she tried too, but eventually she synced up with SAS and with a preparatory wince in case of total annihilation, teleported over a particularly large gap she couldn’t jump across. [color=f49ac2]”Phew. Not today!”[/color] Sakura nodded to herself. She also grinned big, having done her very first teleport. Badass. She could see herself using that in a fight. With her arms out to either side of the tracks, maintaining balance, Sakura took note of the strange plants. Strange! Why plants? Finally they reached an underground clearing with rain from the ceiling. There were Others, and of the ones Sakura didn’t recognize, Luka gave a quick run down. [color=f49ac2]”This is it. Let’s go!”[/color] She ran in with the others, looking to close the gap as fast as possible. Sakura decided to focus on the Rat Ruts. He said blunt damage, and she could do that. One of them fired oil at her while another went to ram into her. They moved fast, and they were at least two feet taller than her five-two frame. [color=f49ac2]”Woah!”[/color] Sakura dodge rolled to the side as one blurred past her. Hopefully the one that just missed her would be taken care of by the others as she advanced at the one shooting oil at her. Leaping forward she nullified the enemy projectiles with mid-air [color=f49ac2]”Hadoken!”[/color] She landed in front of the Rat Rut and began to hammer it with her fists. All of her technique was put into forming as much power as possible. She interlocked her fingers and smashed into the Other with a series of [url=https://im.ezgif.com/tmp/ffffff-ezgif-1-f147302fc2-webp-jpg/frame_24_delay-0.02s.jpg] Pendulum Uppers[/url], and then brought said pendulum back down with a mighty drop.