Tillie recoiled at the offer, cast a furtive glance back at [i]Ablaze[/i] as if it had caught her doing something she shouldn’t. “[color=f26522]O-oh, gosh, that’s—well, I appreciate that. I’m thrilled to be working on it, you can bet I’ll be hanging around all the time. W-working, of course! Strictly working. Thank you! Uhm! Really![/color]” A nervous giggle escaped her. Left unsaid were the silent laws of a place like the Aerie, the hierarchy of the staff, and the expectations laid upon those who could only newly call the station home. Quinn’s offer was kind, but Tillie’s bosses weren’t going to let someone as green as she was have free reign over a Savior, blessing or not. If she showed up here unscheduled she’d be planetside with her junk packed in a box and a resume that would function better as kindling after RISC was done with it. But, of course, she wasn’t going to say any of that. Not to [i]Quinnlash Loughvein[/i]. Quinn, even! The girl seemed so nice, and even without the weight of their unspoken social dynamic heavy on her shoulders, she could never bring herself to reject a gift. For now, she would ride the high of sitting in [i]Ablaze[/i]’s cockpit, and being friendly with her favorite pilot, and that would carry her plenty far. Tillie checked her phone, let out a small, excited sound that she’d find time to be embarrassed about later, alone. “[color=f26522]Oop! I’ve gotta log my results then check in with my supervisor,[/color]” she said, making her way back onto the lift. “[color=f26522]You wanna ride down together, or do you need a bit more time?[/color]”