Zara wasn't near a good enough shot like he was, though it was to be expected at her first round of actually shooting the pistol. She had no idea how to properly aim or how to actually brace for the recoil it gave her. This was not something she was eager for but it did have to happen. He needed to know where to start with her and where she was already skilled so he could properly teach her. First shot - missed. Went no where near the mole rat she was aiming for. That poor rock now had a dent in it's side. Second shot got close but only because the mole rat had jumped towards the raging bullet. Third shot wounded one in the rump as it attempted to flee from them. Her next three shots were way off mark again, the recoil of the gun actually hurting her arms. It wasn't a very big pistol, the recoil wasn't actually that much. She just wasn't used to it at all. Once every single one of them were did, she holstered the gun, swung her legs down and dropped out of the tree. Oddly enough, the sound of her feet touching the ground was fairly silent, as if someone had put her feet on mute. She smiled up at him nervously. "I think you got that one. I need to work on my shooting skills, though I can fight melee just fine." She blushed softly. Slowly she began to make her way up to the den. She wanted to make sure there was none left and see what goodies they had taken. Maybe one of the mole rats had stolen some good weapons or armour. It had been known to happen once in a while.