[u][i]“Eva! What is the status of your mech? Can we have you looking big and mean and mobile in the next ninety seconds? If so, let's do that NOW please. Otherwise go grab a weapon from the armoury.” [/i][/u] "Suit is operational in all regards, though she won't be making any long journeys until I finish some minor repairs. None of that will matter in the short term though." Eva moved swiftly, sliding into place in the Javelin as she gently clicked her tongue, a habit she picked up anytime she activated her bots. The drones stood faster than before, keeping close her as the Javelin rose back to it's full height and Eva stepped forward, flanked by her little swarm. Eva moved to stand directly between the humans and their guests, the little bots sparking in warning at any of their guests that decided to wander too far into the ship. "Paladin up and alert, SEU are set to guard for anybody getting a bit too curious. If you need one of them past the line I suggest you make sure they stay close to one of ours."