Carl troops down the ramp on the heels of the others. One hand holding his lmg the other already tugging his Carl Gustav off his back. He peers about loading the launcher with one hand. Bracing the LMG and rattling off a short burst at some opfor. As he does he spots the approaching vehicles coming. He snarled then shouted, "Anti material teams!?" Two squads humping up beside him. A pair of 2nd LTs giving Carl nods,"You all see that armor?" The troops nod and start setting up, as Carl let's his lmg hang, "Well I don't want too." There's a Crack from somewhere near by and an opfor with a shotgun flies out from behind cover a hole in his chest from something big having hit him. Victor moved forward face in his helmet straight there is something to just doing the job. He pointed to his side directing a group of soldiers who turned and opened fire, "Get rid of him." He called barely breaking stride. He flicks his eyes and his rocket pod snap clicks and a volley of rockets hiss up climbing then their smart munitions capability kicks in turning them, dropping the munitions down on a sandbag bunker. Explosions shouts of shock then rattles of weapons fire. Victor barely slowed, the barracks ahead his target. He'd get there, there is nothing to stop him. He leveled his Denel and coughed several rounds ahead, scattered responding opfor as they tried to set up a defense against their fast offense. He turned hearing several booms. Carl had lined up a shot, the other AT units doing the same. A volley of AT fire flaring across the distance obliterating a few of the IFVS and armored vehicles. Carl shouted, "Reload fire at will then we move." Soon a second anti material and snti tanks ranks streak down the tarmac. More vehicles rolling over or going up in flames. Carl then shouldered his launcher, "Up we get folks." And as one the two teams of anti armor troops ship their hear and are hurrying to catch up with the main force. Above and behind Nolan breathes slowly eye to scope. He pushed the bolt forward and a moment later the air about them displaced as another big round snarled down. The support of a HMG that the enemy was trying to get emplaced pops free sheered off at the brace point. The gun tilting then falling. Nolan works the bolt and whispers, "Three..." eye back to sight, scope moving smooth, "Next target..." It's gods work and good work. That's what it is.