[h3] Dean [/h3] Dean smiled widely at her agreement to coffee and turned back to the steering wheel, bringing the Impala to life with a roar. He peeled out of the parking lot, but slowed once he was on the road, driving slowly while looking around for the coffee shop he had picked Sam up from time and time again. “Hopefully…hopefully, the bunker will be a little more comfortable with all these creature comforts. I mean, having other people around might help Sam. I’m fine…most of the time. But Sam, he gets lonely…”, he rambled, before parallel parking in front of the coffee shop, and putting the car into park. “Although. I vote that you stay, if not just for sanity. I’ve been ready to kill Sam and his hovering nature for months.”, he quipped with a chuckle, opening the door quickly and stepping out. Before Lexi even opened the door, he glanced over the roof of the car at the window of the coffee shop and huffed another chuckle, “Well, will you look at that. Sam…is with a girl.” [h3]Anya[/h3] Anya held her frustrated face for a moment, while Sam attempted to talk his way out of her anger. She couldn’t help but soften her face as he spoke, turning her eyes down from his face to the table. It was obvious he had seen people like her before, and apparently had lost people because of it. The thought hurt her heart, but she couldn’t back down. Truthfully, she had also lost people, but for the opposite reason. She lost them because they weren’t prepared. They didn’t know what little she knew. They didn’t know what they were getting themselves into and were slaughtered like ants because of it. Shaking her head lightly, she pulled the pad back one more time, as the door opened and Dean stepped in, “I’m going to find a way to learn. If you don’t want to help me, I understand. But I have to do this.” She stood up, pushing her chair back and straightened her jacket, before digging in her pocket for a couple of bills to tip the waitresses. She laid them on the table and pushed her chair back in behind her, before turning to him and signing, “See you around, Sam.”