I am open to changes, suggestions, or complete rewrites. I like the idea of her being someone who comes into her power later in life, as a surprise to her, but I wanted to see what you guys thought would be a good fit. So I've left the class open. I was already drawn to Roh and it seems that's where y'all are, so that's cool. Again, super open to scrapping the character completely and starting over, too. Looking to stretch my writin' legs again. [hider=Lapis Dustwalker] Name: Lapis Dustwalker Age: 30 Height: 5’6 Weight: 140 Class: ???, Nomad Race: Human Appearance: Lapis is a dusky-skinned woman with a sturdy build and impassive face. She can turn on the charm for potential customers, but more often than not, she gives very little away. Her skin is scarred and weathered from years of being battered by sandstorms, hard work, and unyielding sun. Her dark brown hair is short and shaggy, a clearly practical cut. She rarely lets it reach her shoulders. Her eyes are ruddy brown and narrowed in suspicion more than she’d like. She stands proudly out of necessity; it wouldn’t do to project weakness. But her smile when she relaxes is warm and disarming. Weapons & Equipment: She has a covered wagon with tarps, poles, a collapsible wooden stall, and crates filled with her wares, mostly utility items like cooking pots, stoneware, raw linens, and woven rugs. She stores her money in a leather drawstring pouch that hangs across her body at all times. The cord is braided to keep it from snapping. She owns a couple serviceable daggers, one stored away in a locked crate and the other strapped to her waist. Her clothes are worn, but well-made: loose, cotton-based clothing suited to desert living, complete with a couple headwraps. She has a few changes of clothes. A small bow, a quiver of bone arrows, a coil each of rope and wire, rolls of parchment, a few quills and inkpots, a leather-bound ledger, a copper cooking pot, a set of spices, and a handful of bone utensils and dishware for eating and cleaning game also occupy her locked crate. Railed shelves lining the interior of her wagon hold her preserved food: dried and salted meats, braids of various herbs, and jars of all things jellied and pickled. She is down to her last hundred silver. Skills and Abilities: She has what would generally be considered “street smarts”; she knows the places that are unsafe to wander at night and how to avoid the city guard. She is a decent hunter with her dagger or bow and arrow, and can set a couple simple traps. She can generally defend herself in a one-on-one fight, but is by no means an expert in combat. Her greatest defense is to avoid the fight; failing that, she is an excellent runner. Her speed, dexterity, and stamina are higher than average. She has an eye for quality artisan work and cannot be fooled by counterfeit coin. Her knack for finding food in the roughest, most desolate of terrains has kept her and those in her care alive; her creativity with spices keeps them happy. Her trade has enabled her to be passably fluent in a variety of languages, though she would struggle to follow a rapid or high-brow conversation in any language not her own. She has a good mind for figures. Bio: Lapis Dustwalker grew up in the nation of Roh, running a traveling merchant stall with her family. They rotated throughout the major cities of the desert country, withstanding the harsh, exposed terrain in between with resourcefulness and pure grit. The Dustwalkers started out a proud, numerous clan; but just recently, the last of her relatives, her uncle Kyanar, passed away in his sleep. Business was already dwindling; now, with even her elderly uncle’s meager help gone, she is struggling to make ends meet. She’s seen enough misery and violence to last her a lifetime, but it doesn’t stop her from harboring a stubborn, yet cautious compassion for those who surround her. People are just trying to get by, and it’s hard for her to fault them when they turn to crime. She’s reformed many a would-be thief by simply putting them to work at her stall for the promise of a hot meal and a seat out of the sun. Her most precious values are common sense, fairness, and integrity. Keep a promise to Lapis, and you’ll earn her respect and loyalty. Breaking your word to her earns you her eternal disgust. However, that’s not to say she doesn’t know the value of a well-placed lie–if it’s for a good cause. Survival, righting a wrong, or pursuit of the truth: all good motivations in her book. Her temper is swift and vicious; her anger fuels her in a fight, almost like a berserker’s rage. But she’s quick to calm when the adrenaline recedes. Lapis has heard every conceivable story about the king’s assassination. When rumors abound like that, it’s difficult to discern the truth, so she largely ignores the gossip. She prefers to make up her own mind based on what she can see with her own two eyes, and unless some wizard can magick her back in time to witness the murder herself, she’ll not pass judgment, thanks very much. It’s nothing to do with her anyway. Her focus is on her failing business–unless some strange event or terrible misfortune were to befall her… [/hider]