When Cicero asked what the plan was, Dalious used hand gestures to describe what he and Fyr were about to do. They were to gather the rest of the prisoners and clear out the guards, he motioned to him and Fyr and then created what he was trying to tell Cicero with theatrical motions. Then he hushed at Cicero with a finger to his nose and a shhh so they would be unheard, tapped Fyr on his shoulder, and then motioned for the two of them to back up and reassemble with the other former prisoners. His motions seemed to be clear as he tiptoed backwards toward his destination. Once he and Fyr were out of hearing distance from the two guards they just encountered he told the large man, "[color=steelblue]Phew, that was close. Didn't expect guards so soon...the others will be fine I'm certain. Let's gather the others and come back and murder every one of these bastards, what do you say? They'll clear the up ahead, we take out the back stragglers. That way we don't get overwhelmed by surprise numbers. Sound good?[/color]