[b]Lanayru[/b] [i]Lon Lon Ranch[/i] As the sun began to set, Lanayru made her way to Lon Lon Ranch, hoping to find a place to rest for the night. Unfortunately, she was low on funds due to being on the run, and Ranch didn't even have an inn. She approached a field field, remembering that her charm and persuasiveness had helped her in tough spots before, but the field hand, Inigo, angrily informed her that there were no squatters allowed on the ranch. "Please, I just need a place to rest for the night," Lanayru pleaded. "I'm sorry, miss, but rules are rules. No freeloaders on the ranch." Inigo replied firmly. As he walked away, the Blue Maiden could hear him muttering something else under his breath. "Unless you own the place." Feeling disheartened, Lanayru was relieved when a girl of a similar age came to her rescue. She intruded herself as Malon, and she was the owner's daughter. Malon kindly offered her a spot in one of the lofts for the night, even apologizing that she couldn't offer better accommodations. "Thank you so much, Malon. This is more than enough," Lanayru said gratefully. "I really appreciate your kindness." "No problem at all. I hate to see anyone in need," Malon replied with a smile. "Good night." As she settled into the loft, Lanayru realized that the smell in the barn was pretty bad. But she had come prepared, having picked some wildflowers along the way to help with the smell. Situations like this were becoming more frequent. After making a bed out of fresh hay, Lanayru relaxed and took some time to herself. As she settled in, Lanayru couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and nostalgia wash over her. The straw pillow was a far cry from the luxurious bedding she was used to as a noble. But she didn't dwell on it for long, her thoughts quickly turning to the state of the world under Ganon's rule. Inigo may have been rude, but Malon and her Father seemed kind and fair. Not everyone is bad. This Ranch hadn't fallen under [i]his[/i] influence. As she yawned for the night, Lanayru wove a crown of blue nightshade flowers that she had collected, enjoying the calming act of creating before bed. Suddenly, a commotion outside caught her attention. She swung open the loft door to investigate, ready for whatever lay ahead.