Jade made a noise. A rising, wavering wail of insecurity and doubt as Jemma plodded towards her. Jade squished herself against the wall like a nervous rodent, trying (unsuccessfully) to maintain the distance between them, and when that didn't work, scrunching her eyes closed against the inevitability until... [i]*CRACK!*[/i] Tufts of fur and splintered bone showered the bed as invisible blades clawed for purchase, scouring the surface of her chitinous armored hide. Wolf barely spared them a glance, apparently much less concerned after Jemma's head grew back the last time. It would be nice to have someone else around besides Violet that could withstand physical contact with the girl. [color=#bd5ad1]"A cybernetics expert?"[/color] Chimed Vi in mechanical monotone to Jemma's questions. [b][color=#7270db]"The best,"[/color][/b] Wolf nodded over the rim of her cup. The metallic chitter rose up in either excitement or agitation before dying back down. [color=#bd5ad1]"I'll take it under advisement...,"[/color] she announced flatly, standing in silence for a long moment like there was more to say before she turned on her heels and walked away down the hall. Her half cloak billowed just enough to reveal the stump of her right arm, which looked as though it had been severed just above the armpit. A small chiropteran drone chittered at them, clawing its way up her rib cage and roosting in the open joint brace. A few others wrapped around her torso shifted as her cloak came back down. Jade was frozen against the wall, eyes screwed shut against the physical contact and couldn't help but squeak as Jemma's tongue rasped against her skin. A flurry of psionic wind scythed around it, whistling through the segmented plates and searching for flesh. Wolf covered the top of her thermos to protect her coffee from the spray of bone dust. A smile cracked the corners of her lips: Vi had taken a similar shine to the girl. [b][color=bc8dbf]"Take out? O-Once a month... m-maybe?"[/color][/b] [color=662d91]“Speaking of which! Hey! Wolf! Hey! Hey hey hey hey—”[/color] Wolf squinted at the... appendage, finding a break in the spray of fur, chitinous dust, and bone fragments to steal a slurp from her thermos. She wasn't sure which end to address, and ultimately settled for the one that was talking. [color=662d91]“So can I, like… Leave? Or whatever? You didn’t necessarily make it super clear so…?”[/color] [b][color=#7270db]"Leave? Sure. You're free to come and go as you please, just like everyone else. Just respect the airlock: keeping signals and signatures inside The Den helps keep everyone safe,"[/color][/b] she explained, gesturing down the hall after Vi with her cup. She dug around in one of her pouches and held out a small chip that looked like it had been torn out of a slate phone and kitbashed together with a nano-scale E-Cell. [b][color=#7270db]"Keep this in your...,"[/color][/b] she was going to say "[i]pocket[/i]." [b][color=#7270db]"Uh. Keep this... with... you. It'll let you back in whenever you want. In an emergency you can crush it, and we'll come running."[/color][/b] [b][color=#7270db]"You should also know,"[/color][/b] Wolf added, almost as an afterthought. [b][color=#7270db]"I haven't told anyone in ShieldTown that you're back, or about... the changes. I can if you want me to."[/color][/b]