Here's my character! [hider=Dakin Windwalker] Name: Dakin Windwalker Age: 14 Gender: Male Race: Human Class: Druid Apprentice What you want to be when you grow up?: [b]Dakin wants to be a wanderer, much like his mentor, and feels that the direction of his life will never really take shape until he's been out in the world and seen all the paths available. He would also like to become a fully recognized Druid. [/b] Who is your mentor?: Dorn Windwalker - a beast of a man, both literally and figuratively. He is a werebear and a druid of no small skill or renown, well known for his hunting down of evil lycanthropes and protecting of isolated villages near the High Forest. He saved Dakin's life when his village was attacked and has since raised him as he would his own child, teaching him the ways of the forest and of the connection all living things have. Brief Biography: Dakin was born in a small village on the souther border of the High Forest, his parents were well known inn keepers in the area. He was raised by them with love and affection until his sixth winter when disaster befell their community. A pack of particularly vicious lycanthropes had started terrorizing the area, slaughtering isolated families and attacking trade caravans with bloodthirsty ruthlessness. Though the village did what they could to petition guards and adventurers to help protect them, no help was forthcoming and so on one cold dark night the beasts came. They killed without remorse or mercy and Dakin would have died to their fangs had Dorn not come to his rescue. The Druid werebear had been stalking the evil pack for some time but had been unable to intervene or face them head on. He refused to sit by while they attacked the village, however, and was actually able to use his immense power to drive then all away and save a few innocents. Dakin's parents did not survive and Dorn pitied the child enough to adopt him and bring him far away from the ruins of his old home. Having a few friends in Twiddledale, Dorn decided it would be a good place to raise the boy and train him as a protector of the wild. Dakin remembers little of that horrible night and can no longer see the faces of his parents, finding many memories oddly suppressed, though he has a large maw-shaped scar over his left shoulder. Over the past eight years he has trained under Dorn and an old hag, who is an old friend of his mentor. What person(s) of interest do you know in the village? Who all do you have a relationship with?: Dorn Windwalker - local druid and protector. The old hag - a strange, mysterious woman who has lived in the village as log as anyone can remember. Equipment: A well-carved oaken staff. A holy symbol amulet of Selûne. A travelers pack. Class Skills: Staff Fighting - Dorn has trained Dakin in combat with staves, both lethal and non-lethal, and the boy has quite a talent for it. Orison 'Guidance' - Dakin can momentarily be guided by the natural life forces in his immediate presence. Orison 'Know Direction' - Dakin can immediately discern North and his relative location compared to local forests and places of natural importance. Nature Connection - Dakin has an immediate connection to the natural world: he can discern the most basic properties of unfamiliar plants and and can improve the attitudes of non-hostile animals. This also slightly improves his sense of smell, taste, and sight. Villager Skills: Mental Fortitude - For reasons Dakin does not yet understand, Dorn has taken extra special precautions in training his mind and conditioning his willpower. He has a number of exercises and tricks for controlling his emotions and thoughts, though he is still a child: prone to new/confusing experiences and mood swings. He is far more resistant to charm effects, psychic intrusion, and magical manipulation of his emotions than most people. Fishing - Dorn is rather particular about what he eats but there is no doubting that he has a taste for river fish. Using fishing as a test of resourcefulness, dexterity, and most certainly patience, the old druid has spent many hours teaching Dakin how to make fishing-lines and hooks out of the simplest things, how to use those lines and hooks to catch something, and how to prepare that something into a tasty dinner. Herbalism/Poultice Making - With his own druidic training it seemed only natural that Dakin would learn how to mix various herbs and poultices. He can make treatments for burns, small cuts and abrasions, and even one for fever and infection. However, there is a rather particular potion mixture that Dorn made sure the old hag woman taught the boy, one that involves several rare ingredients often difficult to find unless you really knew where to look. Dakin was instructed to take this mixture once a month, though his mentor would only say it was for a mysterious rash that would return just before he was to take his next dose. [/hider]