[b]NATALIA[/b] Part of her wanted to stay around and hear what Esme had to say, but the fact that Cason also came to the door and asked her what she wanted, she wasn't sure she wanted to know. For all she knew it was to do with something from the kidnapping incident and getting her car back, especially as Nat noticed she was wearing some of Mika's old clothing. Giving Esme a chance to say something first, she then decided to just hold her hands up and go and apologise to Dean as she could see him watching the door like a hawk with the others. "I'm gonna go talk to Dean...if you need me holla okay?" she told Cason for two reasons, 1) to let him know where she was and 2) to tell him she was there for defend him if it was required. She may not owe him anything, but she still felt like she could lend her skills to something to help him out every now and then. Group member or not. Leaving the room, she awkwardly wandered over to Duke, Dean and Mika, seeing Sam in his own little world opposite them. "Uh...Dean, can we....can we talk?" she asked, running a hand through her hair, feeling the most nervous to talk to him since the day Sam tried to convince him to let her stay with them. She rocked back and forth on her feet for those few moments waiting for Dean to agree, then walked slightly off away from the others, unable to even look anyone else in the eye. Even Duke and she didn't even yell at him. "Dean I'm sorry for how I spoke to you last night. I wish I could excuse it but what I said about you and Hell was well below the belt...." she verbally vomited out at him. "I was drunk and hurting....it's not an excuse but an explanation. But...there's more....Cason is the one who got you to me...dropped the clues and hints for Sam to find me. That's why I feel comfort from him, despite everything...." she sighed, swallowing deeply to stop herself from crying all over again. "I hate that this is a reality, but I need him as much as I need you and Sam... Dean I've been vile to you because I can't get my shit together, I'm so sorry" she continued before she couldn't talk anymore. [b]SAM AND MIKA[/b] When Natalia exited the room and headed straight for Dean, Mika perked up and stood upright, wondering what was going to happen and mentally preparing for another sibling argument, but instead she witnessed Nat just not look at any of them except for Dean and ask quietly for a private word. The clue that an apology was coming or something along similar lines. "I think what she said to him is weighing heavily on her" she commented to Duke. "They had quite the argument last night" she clarified. Sam still couldn't look anywhere but the door where Cason stood with Esme, though he did still unknowingly glance every now and then at Natalia and Dean in case he had to stop anything between them. He was a mess right now, his sister was hurting and he wasn't wanted by her and now the love of his life was also missing and left him as well. It just too much right now.