[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/VOfwmIJ.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][h2][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcbfXwaWYc4]♫[/url][/h2][/center][hr][hr][center][color=FFE4B5][i][b]Present:[/b] Yalen Castel [@pantothenic], Maura Mercador [@Ti], Trypano Somia [@A Lowly Wretch], Ingrid Penderson [@dragonpiece], Niallus Saberhagen [@McKennaJ71], and Abdel Varga [@YummyYummy][/i][/color][/center][hr][hr][color=FFE4B5]They were not traveling only through space, it seemed, but through time as well. It was afternoon in Wánggǎng and Yalen was among them. The arrival of the group from Ersand'Enise was no secret, either. The portal dropped them in a cordoned-off area in the centre of a large plaza. Seagulls screeched and wheeled overhead and a crowd of curious onlookers began to gather almost instantly. A young boy, holding his mother's hand, jumped up and down excitedly and pointed in their direction, shouting something in ReTanese. Others gathered to gawk and a couple even began to move forward until halted by barked orders and raised weapons from two dozen sharply-uniformed guards. Nearby vendors glanced in the direction of the new arrivals out of momentary curiosity, but their eyes fast became calculating and, within seconds, they seemed to have adjusted their messaging, gesturing at the [i]Lǎowài[/i] and promising discounts to cater to the growing audience. Wide flagstone roads stretched off in each of the cardinal directions, and an endless sea of buildings in that distinctive ReTanese construction that most had only seen drawn on canvas, parchment, or fresco surrounded them. Paper lanterns swayed in a light seaside breeze, some thumping against wooden posts of the structures that they hung from, and it was - in general - an absolute carnival of sights, scents, and sounds. A greeting party of a dozen stood before them: Eleven men and a woman, all dressed in gorgeous formal robes that marked them as government officials. All but two of the outfits had a similar cut and colour, differentiated only by some unique highlights and a distinct symbol. The most illustrious of the group stepped forward and offered a very small bow. A short and thin man of middle age, his long, sharp beard was shot through with a handful of grey streaks and he wore a particularly ornate hat. [color=aba000]"我向来自巫师城的旅人问好。我希望您在协助我们解决这个问题的同时,在我们国家度过愉快而富有成效的时光。我们感谢你,"[/color] he began, and the lone woman in the group scampered up beside him, quite young and quite awkward in her fine clothing. She bowed quickly and deeply and began to translate. [color=a2d39c]"My greetings to travelers from the wizard city. I hope you have a pleasant and productive time in our country while assist us with zis problem. We sank you!"[/color] Then, the man in the ornate hat continued, addressing them all but seeming to pick Yalen out as the figure of authority within the group. [color=aba000]"我是本市洋人区副区长侯建红。很高兴见到你。"[/color] He offered a quick smile and gestured towards the others, waiting for a moment. [color=a2d39c]"I'm Hou Jianhong,"[/color] the woman translated for him, pausing for a split second, [color=a2d39c]"the governor of foreigner's district in this city. Pleasure to meet you."[/color] Her eyes did not meet his, nor did they meet the party's for more than a brief, curious moment. [color=aba000]"这就是文志豪,逻辑与激情的典范,"[/color] continued Governor Hou, and one of the men bowed. [color=a2d39c]"This is Wen Zhihao, a model of logic and passion."[/color] The translator further explained that they were to introduce themselves to Wen Zhihao. [color=aba000]"这就是杜阳,接受和行动的典范,"[/color] came the next, and the second man bowed as well. [color=a2d39c]"This is Du Yang, a model of acceptance and action."[/color] The ritual repeated itself. The governor gestured at another. [color=aba000]"这就是谢军,信任与怀疑的典范,"[/color] he announced, and there was another bow. [color=a2d39c]"This is Xie Jun, a model of trust and doubt."[/color] It became clear that each of these men would receive an introduction and they would be expected to do the same. In the background, the crowd milled and discussed excitedly. There were hundreds now, and particularly curious glances were stolen at Ingrid, Trypano, Maura, and Kaureerah. Young preteens with trinkets and sticks of skewered meat raced through the fringes of the crowd, hawking their wares. [color=aba000]"这就是武龙,创造与毁灭的典范,"[/color] came the next in an increasingly tedious lineup of men in fine robes and hats, but this one was different. [color=ed1c24]"I am Wu Long,"[/color] he introduced himself, stepping in front of the translator, who backed away with a start. [color=ed1c24]"Funny name, I know. Maybe I was destined for greatness or shame with it."[/color] he shrugged. [color=ed1c24]"We will see which one, I guess."[/color] He reached out to shake hands in the twin continents style. [color=ed1c24]"I hope you can forgive our long ceremonies here in ReTan. They are part of our culture and important to us."[/color] He spoke as he shook, addressing all in turn as well as all at once. [color=ed1c24]"I also hope you can help us catch this evil from your homeland that has come to our country. I have been told you are experts."[/color] His enthusiasm was palpable. He [i]burned[/i] with it. His Avincian, while accented and perhaps a touch formal, was nearly as good as some of [i]theirs.[/i] Then, he bowed again, retreated, and they were introduced to Wang Chao (exemplar of obedience and initiative), Huang Min (exemplar of truthfulness and 'something like lying'), Xiao Da (exemplar of community and individuality whose name, the translator cheerily related, was rather an oxymoron), Chen Jiahao (exemplar of self-preservation and bravery), Guan Heng (tradition and reform), and Hu He (nature and human creation). All the while, the guards stood at attention, occasionally shouting at passerby who got too close though, by and large, the people kept a respectful distance. Finally, it was finished, and the sun was a good deal lower: golden over the concave rooftops of the vast city. There was a brief but long-lasting moment where nobody seemed quite sure what to do. Then, Governor Hou began barking orders in rapid fire ReTanese, too fast and complex for the likes of mere learners of the language to catch more than the odd word. He spoke, in particular, to a guard with a slightly embellished uniform and the woman translator. Both answered crisply in the affirmative. The governor smiled widely and nodded in the direction of the students before he had his horse brought up. The guards pushed the crowd back, clearing the way for him, and some of the people began to call out with various entreaties, prostrating themselves on the ground. No matter. This was no place for that sort of business. It was to be handled by official avenues. Then, he was mounted, and the ten other men followed, the colourful Wu Long clearly employing some magic to leap atop his horse with barely an effort. Other than that, magic had seemed... strangely absent from the cityscape and crowd, at least compared to the more familiar environs of Ersand'Enise. The translator fixed her hair for a moment and turned to them, glancing back at the retreating governor and exemplars a couple of times. She knit and unknit her fingers and bowed again. [color=a2d39c]"Nice to meet you!"[/color] she exclaimed. [color=a2d39c]"My name is Jiang Xiulan. In ReTan, ze second name is actually ze given name: opposite wiss your countries, I sink. You can call me Blossom, zough."[/color] She seemed to be stifling a giggle. [color=a2d39c]"I have been choosed to your local guide of ReTan while you live here."[/color] There were nine guards remaining and one, in an embellished uniform, stood at their head. Tall and muscular, he was clean-shaven, short-haired, and definitely not unattractive, with an upright posture and martial bearing. [color=a2d39c]"This is guard captain Zhu!"[/color] Xiulan explained, gesturing rather grandly in his direction. He bowed stiffly at the waist. Then, to their surprise, he spoke. [color=0072bc]"Nice to meet you,"[/color] he said in heavily-accented Avincian. [color=0072bc]"I am Zhu Kai. Sorry I Afince not good."[/color] [color=a2d39c]"He make the speech by his self,"[/color] Xiulan explained. [color=a2d39c]"He has [i]many[/i] practicing."[/color] She tried not to giggle. [color=a2d39c]"I sink maybe he's Avince not so good, but maybe mine not so good also, hmm?"[/color] [color=0072bc]"I understand you,"[/color] the guard captain said, deadpan, and Xiulan blushed fiercely. [color=a2d39c]"See!"[/color] she exclaimed, [color=a2d39c]"He improve already!"[/color] Turning his way for a moment, she spoke in rapid-fire ReTanese, and it was clear that she was just translating for him and then asking him to prepare the guards to start moving. They carried on a brief conversation before she turned back to the group. [color=a2d39c]"He would like me introduce he's gauds."[/color] She gestured to them in turn and they all gave slight bows or nods or salutes. [color=a2d39c]"Guad-man Peng, Wang, Dai, Chen, Huang, Zhang, Zheng, Xie, and Zhou."[/color] Xiulan scampered out to the front of the group, twisting on her heel. [color=a2d39c]"Zey will with us for all of time we're here, but we will go ze inn where you live first."[/color] She smiled broadly and her voice dropped conspiratorially as she began to lead them. [color=a2d39c]"I sink you were very lucky, actually. This place is usually so expensive, but offered you stay free."[/color] Captain Zhu marched out front, four of his men flanked them to each side, and one brought up the rear. Beyond the human walls of their escort, curious onlookers either glanced their way or followed them, some chattering rapidly among themselves in ReTanese or something that sounded similar but was definitely different. Many waved or smiled, and children zipped and weaved among the crowds. It was near to sunset and at least a handful of bedraggled looking mothers, aunts, or grandmothers tried to corral the excited little people. [color=a2d39c]"We take you zere tonight and you rest and settle in,"[/color] Xiulan was saying. [color=a2d39c]"No talk about traveler yet. Your real work should begin tomorrow."[/color] So, they followed. What choice did they have? They contented themselves in conversation with each other or their guide and caught little glimpses of life in this place that was so strange and yet so familiar as well. Vendors were busy closing up shop for the day. The last couple finished haggling and the doors of many of the large tenements were constantly opening and shutting as their residents arrived home from their daily responsibilities. The wide street that they were on became a smaller one, and then a smaller one still after a few turns, and they could catch glimpses of the ocean and the strange sails of ReTanese ships in the near distance, just beyond a couple more rows of houses, shops, and warehouses. It smelled very much like fish for a bit, but then they were past it and turning onto a slightly larger road. It was late Rezain up here in the northern hemisphere, it struck them, and the trees burned gold, orange, and red with fast-shifting leaves. Kaureerah, for one, was happy to be done with the onerous introductions, and was now feeling inspired by the scenery. She walked along towards the rear of the pack, giving the two couples their space, and pulled out her lute. She began strumming chords and humming and this served only to further entrance the groups of people who seemed to loosely follow along. [color=ffffff]"Hell-lo!"[/color] came the odd shout, as the locals employed the only Avincian that they knew. [color=ffffff]"Welcome ReTan!"[/color] said one who was particularly good. Smoke from cooking fires began to fill the air as the sun dipped below the rooftops, and a little boy and girl sat on the edge of one of these, dangling their feet over and munching on some sort of steamed bread. Mouths full, feet kicking idly back and forth, they both started at the sight of the foreigners and waved. [color=a2d39c]"Almost zere,"[/color] Xiulan assured them cheerfully, [color=a2d39c]"And I sink dinner will be ready! Do you ever try ReTanese cooking before?"[/color] She seemed excited. They hadn't gotten very deep into the subject when the guards came to an abrupt stop, forcing the rest of them to. Captain Zhu barked out orders rapidly and four of his men - Wang, Xie, Zhou, and Chen - split from the formation and rushed off down a sidestreet. [color=a187be]"Wha... what just happened!?[/color] Rikard demanded, and Kaureerah ceased her soft strumming. They had sensed the use of some kinetic magic in that general direction. Some people retreated indoors, though others seemed largely unbothered. Xiulan's hands bunched up the folds of her dress and she glanced about in thin reassurance. [color=a2d39c]"Oh, nossing to worry about, friend! Just some silly guy probably tries steal a chicken or somesing. Not your traveler agent, haha! It is guad's job go stop small sings like zis. No worry, I sink. We can keep walking. We can meet them there at ze inn."[/color] She pointed to a large building with a little manicured garden out front and waved them forward. Guard Captain Zhu, after a quick, wary glance in the direction his men had gone, nodded and seemed to relax. He managed a reassuring smile. [color=0072bc]"Okay,"[/color] he declared for their benefit. [color=0072bc]"Okay, we go."[/color][/color] [hr][hr]