[hr][hr] [color=#ff8c69]MZ-33, Protocol Droid[/color] [color=6ecff6][i]29 pts (Light-Side)[/i][/color] [hr][hr] Emzie mourned the loss of another Jedi. They paused at the breathing body of one of the clones. Someone was alive. Emzie gently placed Ryanor on the ground again and moved to Commander Firtick's side. They checked and found a few wounds, and one on his head explaining why he was unconscious. It took a bit of work but Emzie was able to bring the Commander to consciousness. [color=#ff8c69]"Be gentle Commander, but I need your assistance. Commander Raynor has lost consciousness due to some gas. We are unable to complete the original mission. The secondary option of the self-destruct is the best option we have."[/color] What had already been almost a suicide attack was now likely to be the only option. But the Republic needed them. Commander Firtick seemed to be concussed but at least he could stand. They must hurry. Emzie lifted Raynor back up and continued following the path. Expecting Firtick to follow.