Arterius and Peth just listened to everyone around them, the Goddex of Nature giving a wide grin before everyone seemed to start to leave. Arti moved to put the plates in a small tower as Peth had finished most of the food offered, apart from what was gently picked at by the other gods. "Shall we?" Arterius asked as they slipped out from the booth before they offered their hand softly to Homura. Peth moved almost fluidly to climb over the booth, spooking some of the other patrons at the sight of the large beast before he climbed onto Arterius' shoulder; weighing down the smaller Goddexs' body. "I'm sure this will all be chaotic." Arterius said softly to Homura, "That's the way that the world is, Chaos is always around but there will always be Order on its tail." They said with a soft smile, "I'm excited to have you on the ride. Peth very likes you." To the comment, the Komodo Dragon sized dragon flickered his tongue softly.