Using her bo staff for support, Arabella took to her feet now that she had the opportunity to. Once on her feet, she rubbed her sore neck as she looked over at the steps as Harper called over to her. “Don’t worry about me. I have things covered down here.” she called to her in a raspy voice. As soon as Harper disappeared up the stairs, Catherine and Rayden appeared just feet in front of her, Arabella smirked as she stared them down. “Bring it on, Caspers.” she taunted. Lifting her staff from the floor, she spun it over her head, then brought it around behind her as she took a fighting stance. Holding out her other arm, palm up, she closed and opened her fingers to get the ghosts to attack her. “You and your friend won’t be leaving her alive tonight!” Rayden yelled as he and Catherine attacked in unison. Arabella’s smirk grew as she moved from her spot, in almost a dance-like manner, and brought her staff down on both ghosts. “We’ll see about that!” she called out. She hoped that she could keep these two distracted to give Harper enough time to locate the items to salt and burn them. Arabella continued to move around the room, fighting off the ghosts with her bo staff with the help of the distorted ghosts, which were beginning to look like a female in their early to mid-teens. As she moved around the room fighting, she was also looking for her gun that had been knocked from her hands, she finally found it and tucked it into her pocket after picking it up. Things were going smoothly until Catherine and Rayden grew enraged and they both went invisible. They double-teamed her and slammed her into a wall, causing her to lose her grip on the staff, then they picked her up and threw her into the stairs with such force they broke under her weight. “Dammit to hell!” she groaned, struggling to get up. Before she could even make it onto her knees, she was lifted into the air by her neck. She lifted her hands to her neck, trying to pry the invisible hands from it. Rayden’s face materialized in front of her face with a wicked grin. “We’re going to rip you apart!” he laughed in her face. Catherine then materialized just as she took hold of Arabella’s arm and began to pull. Before she could even get out a scream of pain, the distorted ghost came to her rescue once again. She attacked Catherine, who cried out as she was held back. That still left Arabella with Rayden squeezing her neck and fighting for air once again. [i]What’s taking her so long?[/i] she thought to herself. Seconds later, the boy in the corner disappeared in an all too familiar way. Harper had found the cases and was burning the items. [i]She found them.[/i] she thought in relief. A few more seconds passed and Catherine went with a scream. Enraged, Rayden squeezed Arabella’s throat even tighter, cutting off all her air, and causing her to struggle in his grip. The distorted ghost came to her rescue, hitting Rayden just before Arabella lost consciousness. She fell into the rubble of the broken stairs, coughing and gasping for air. “I’ll kill her before she has a chance to burn my things! I’m not leaving this place!” he yelled and disappeared. Struggling to her feet, Arabella grabbed her things, jumped over the broken steps, ran up the rest, and bolted through the door to meet up with Harper. Before she could reach the room, she heard a crash and an exchange of words between the blonde huntress and Rayden. Just as she entered the room, she saw Rayden going up in flames. She’d done it. Arabella dropped her bag and leaned against the doorframe, looking into the room at the smashed cases and burning items. “I see you found them. Are you alright?” she said, bringing a hand up to her sore neck. It was then the last ghost of the place showed up, she looked at both women, the distortion fading from her appearance to reveal a young girl about the age of sixteen. “Thank you for setting them free. I know it wasn’t an easy task.” she spoke kindly. “If you could do one more thing before leaving, I would be very grateful.” Arabella looked from the ghost to Harper, then back. “And what is that?” she asked her. The young ghost smiled kindly to Arabella and turned to fully face her. “Set me free as well. I’ve only stayed to try and keep the others from harming the people here.” she told her. She then turned and walked over to one of the glass cases, looked within it for a moment, and back to Arabella. “These are my things. Please help me move on.” she pleaded. Arabella nodded, then retrieved her salt from her bag and walked over to the case, opposite the ghost. Using her staff, she broke the glass and poured salt over the items after popping the top of the container. After pulling her lighter from her pocket she looked back at the ghost. “Thank you for helping us down there.” Arabella said kindly. The ghost smiled warmly in return. Flipping open her lighter, she lit it and set the items on fire, looking up to watch the ghost go with a pleasant smile on her face and hear a “Thank you.” from her. With a sigh, Arabella walked back over to her bag and put her salt back in it. “Man, this one turned out to be a tough one.” she said as she zipped up her bag. Turning back to Harper, she leaned against the doorframe again. “Thanks for your help on this. I know you couldn’t have been happy about another hunter showing up on your case.”